Chapter 13

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This chapter is dedicated to soccerninja14, for sugesting a Zach pov and for voting on all my chapters. Thank you!  

If you want a dedication, just comment what you would like to read about in the upcoming chapters and if i like your suggestion, i will use it and dedicate that chapter to you! 

Thank you! 

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Zach’s POV (aka Green Eyed God)

“I bet you can’t get Chrissy in bed.” My friend Ted commented.

“She’s too easy, give me someone harder, I like a challenge.” I remarked. This is what Ted and I do for fun, we place bets on if the other guy can get with a girl. I know it’s probably mean but there is seriously nothing better to do in this boring  town. I can’t believe my family moved here.

“If she’s so easy then you should have no trouble getting with her.”

“Fine, whatever. How much money are you betting on?”

“30 each?”

“That’s too low!”

“You said it yourself, ‘she’s easy’”

I agreed on the $30 bet. It would be easy money right?  I had a month to hook up with Chrissy. We shook on it. Then I left.

My next target is Chrissy peterson. This should be fun.

Chrissy doesn’t seem like the type to just sleep with anyone. I’ll have to make her my girlfriend, then she would be putty in my hands. It’s obvious she likes me, She always stutters when i talk to her and i’ve caught her staring at me a few times.

I know that i’m attractive and i use that to my advantage. One look and she would be falling to her knees for me.

I’m going to ask her out tomorrow after practice.


I’m running my last lap for practice then i can leave. Coach was a no show today. I really hate coach. He doesn’t know shit about soccer, After i hook up with Chris, i’m going to get him fired. I’m not sure how but i want him out of here.

Chris is sitting on the team bench by herself. I’ll admit that she is hot so i’m not going to have a problem with getting it on with her.

“Good job guys, You can all go now!” Mason announced. I made my way over to Chris. She was getting up from her seat. I think she’s going to Mason.


I can’t ask her in front of Mason, It’s obvious that he has a thing for her. I jogged to catch up with her before She reached him. Her back was to me so she didn’t notice me, I grabbed her elbow and spun her around. She yelped out in surprise. When she saw that it was me, She looked so confused.

“Hey chris.” I gave her my trademark smirk that made girls fall for me.

“H-hi” She stuttered. I loved when she stuttered. It was funny how i had this effect on her.

“You want to go on a date with me?”

“S-Sure.” She cleared her throat.

“Alright, Saturday night, i’ll pick you up.” she nodded. We exchanged numbers. I smirked one more time before walking off. That was too easy. She’ll be in my bed by the end of the month. I pulled out my phone and wrote a quick text to Ted.

‘Get your money ready.’


Short chapter but here it is.

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