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You were so tall.

You were so awkward.

I wonder if you were also drunk at the party

because if you weren't,

I would hate you.

I do, but I would hate you more.

"You're so short!"

I wish you knew that I was conscious about my height.

But you don't know,

Because we just met at a Christmas party.


Namjoon's deep voice snapped my thoughts and brought me back to reality.

"I was zoning out–sorry. What were you saying?"

Namjoon sighed.

"I said, that Seokjin and Jimin are coming over. Is that okay with you?"

"Only them? Aren't the other four coming?"

Namjoon squinted his eye and raised his eyebrow. 

"I don't know. Maybe?"


"Why are you so curious all of a sudden?" He smirked.

"Because you guys are always together? Isn't it unusual?"

"No–okay maybe."

The doorbell rang along with knocks at the door.

Me and Namjoon looked at each other.

"You're getting that."

"Fuck no."

"This is my house Namjoon!"

"Fine!" Namjoon screamed with frustration.

As he was walking towards the door, he said "But just because you own this house doesn't mean you can boss me around! I'm still older than you!"

"Yeah, sure."

After Namjoon chuckled and mumbled a "Fuck off", he opened the door and there erupted noisy voices of two men.



"Shut up." I muttered and stood up from the couch. Ready to leave the living room.

"Oh! Hey! Namjoon's cousin! Thanks for letting us hang out here." A boy with orange hair said. He was taller than me, but he was shorter than Namjoon and Seokjin.

He was Jimin.

I smiled. "Sure. You're welcome."

Then I saw Seokjin.

We didn't say anything.

He just bowed.

And I bowed back.

"Hi." Seokjin said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes. "Bye."

Namjoon and Jimin shouted a "BURRRN!" as I was walking away.

I heard Seokjin say "What did I do?" with confusion.

And I knew

that he was drunk at the party.




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