Camping part 3

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Aries and Gemini got pillows and blankets for their hammocks. Before leaving the cabin, Aries ran up to Virgo and Capricorn's room and knocked.

"What is it?" asked Virgo.

"Don't forget to change the sheets." Aries walked away laughing.

"Very mature!" Aries knew they were only friends. She still enjoyed tormenting Virgo.

Aries and Gemini carried their blankets and pillows outside. They arrived at the trees.

"How are we going to get this stuff up there?" asked Gemini.

"Easy." Aries stuffed her pillow down the back of her shirt and tied the two thick blankets around her waist. Gemini did the same and they started to climb.

At the top, Aries and Gemini got in their hammocks. Aries took the hammock on the top so Gemini took the one below it.

Ten minutes later Aries was fast asleep and Gemini was bored. He climbed up and poked Aries. She didn't wake up. Then he decided to climb in the hammock with her. He tried not to laugh because he would probably wake Aries up.

He was surprised when she turned around and nuzzled into him, pressing her face against his chest in her sleep.

Gemini fell asleep with a smirk on his face.


Sagittarius woke up. She looked over at Pisces still sleeping beside her, so she carefully got her stuff and went to the washroom to get dressed.

After she was finished, Sagittarius decided to take a walk outside and maybe find some berries. Then she heard laughter. She walked outside and saw Aquarius laughing at something. "What's so funny?"

"THAT!" Aquarius pointed to the hammock where Gemini was cuddling Aries in her sleep. Then they watched as Gemini rolled over and fell into the hammock below. They were surprised, expecting him to fall to the ground.

Aries woke up.


Aries looked down at Sagittarius and Aquarius and wondered why they were laughing so much. Then she looked down at Gemini sleeping in the hammock below her. He didn't look like he was up to anything. He was sleeping peacefully... Too peacefully.

Aries threw her pillow down at Gemini. He didn't wake up. Then she leaned over to throw her blanket at his face, but she fell down on top of him. Then Gemini woke up. Sagittarius and Aquarius kept laughing.

"Hi Aries. You're up early." She punched him. "Wow you hit hard. May I ask why you are on top of me?"

"I fell when I tried to throw that blanket at your face." Aries sat up.

Gemini realized where they were. "How'd we get down here?"

"We? YOU were sleeping down here, remember?"

"Uhhhhh yeah."

Realizing what happened, Aries glared at Gemini. Gemini got up and swiftly climbed down the tree. Aries followed him. Gemini ran as fast as he could in the cabin and locked himself in the washroom. Sagittarius noticed the blush Aries was trying to hide by keeping her head down. Aries knocked on the bathroom door.


"Shhhhhh! Aries you're going to wake everyone up!" warned Gemini from behind the locked door.

"Je vais te tuer, et te casser la tête, et-"

"Ranting in French doesn't scare me when I can already guess what you're saying. Is it something about how you're going to kill me? Or hurt me?"

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