New Plan

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*This chapter has yet to be edited*

Virgo sat down at the table and crossed her arms. "So. We need to make a plan."

Gemini rolled his eyes. "Yes. Because five of us are going to break into that place and free everyone else."

Sagittarius balled her fists. "Well we have to try or else we'll never get them back!"

Cancer bit his lip. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I don't think it's going to be possible to knock out all those guards that they have."

Taurus sighed angrily. "Sagittarius is right, we need to do something."

"Well, we're going to need to do a lot of planning if the five of us want to break into that place," said Gemini.

Virgo gasped. "Maybe we could pretend to be bodyguards! We could wear disguises like fake moustaches and stuff. Then we could set up a trap to get the uniforms from the guards. They all wear black pants with a certain jacket."

"Oh! So then we steal their jackets and pretend to be her minions so then we'll sneak the others out!" said Taurus.

Sagittarius grinned. "Great idea! I've always wanted to wear a fake moustache!"

Virgo chuckled. "Sag you can't wear a fake moustache. They'll be able to tell you're a girl."

Sagittarius placed a hand over her heart and looked offended. "Hey! If a girl wants a moustache it's none of their business to tell her otherwise! All girls are beautiful even with moustaches because I have moustache pride!" Sagittarius pumped a fist in the air. Virgo sighed and shook her head.

Taurus rose his eyebrows. "Okay but you'll draw attention to yourself and someone might recognize you."

Cancer furrowed his brow. "Honestly I wonder how all the bodyguards know what we look like. I mean most of them haven't seen us before but they know right away who we are when we're not wearing disguises."

"I've wondered about that too. But it doesn't matter. How are we going to knock out five bodyguards to get those jackets?" asked Taurus.

"That's a risky idea because we could get kidnapped while trying," replied Gemini.

"Yeah, but I can't think of another way to get five people to sneak into a building with lots of bodyguards to rescue seven people and get back out," explained Virgo.

"Wait, the others will be recognizable. How the heck are we getting them out?" asked Sagittarius.

Cancer drummed his fingers on the table. "Easy. We pretend to be bodyguards for multiple days while we look around the place. Then we break them out after we know exactly where the stairs are."

"This feels kind of like we're going to be in a video game. I mean it's like we'll be looking for stairs to advance to the next level," said Gemini.

Virgo rolled her eyes. "I see Gemini is useful as ever."

"Now we need to do more planning on how we get those jackets!" declared Sagittarius. "I say we walk around casually and wait for the bodyguards to come to us. There's usually only about three or four at a time. So, I'll be walking around with a moustache and that will confuse them. Then while they're confused the rest of you jump out and knock them out. Then while they're knocked out you guys take the jackets while I put fake moustaches on-"

Virgo raised her hands to motion for Sagittarius to stop. "Okay. That plan's good enough Sagittarius."

"So... let's go buy stuff for disguises," said Taurus.

Cancer bit his lip. "Be careful. I don't want anyone else getting kidnapped while you're shopping."

Gemini punched the air. "I'll go with Taurus because we'll knock those creeps out. Be back soon!"


Aries leaned against the bars. "It's so boring here. Wow. I've only been here like maybe an hour and I'm already bored out of my mind."

Scorpio rolled his eyes. "Then just wait until you taste the food."

Aquarius pretended to gag. "It's disgusting."

"Wait, what's that box with a lid in the corner?" asked Aries.

"That's the toilet," replied Libra.

"Ewww!" frowned Aries.

Libra sighed in defeat. "I know."

"We mostly sing songs all day to occupy us. Want to sing along?" asked Pisces.

"Nope. My voice is worst than Leo's," replied Aries.

Leo grinned. "SEE! I'm not the worst singer! Haha! Take that Libra."

"At least now we have more to talk about," said Capricorn.

Aries crossed her arms. "Is Pegasus dead? She was rather talkative last time I saw her."

Aquarius raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "No, for some reason she's quiet now."

"I don't know what's going on. In the surveillance room she looked almost like a different person. Like her face shape, hair and eye colours are all different," said Scorpio

Pisces shrugged. "Maybe she dyed her hair."

"Yes." Pegasus rolled her eyes. "Because between being in jail, getting broken out of jail, being sent back to jail and being broken out again to be kidnapped gave me plenty of time to dye my hair."

"Why are there so many mysteries?" asked Capricorn.

"I know right! There's so many questions that only Anne knows the answers to," replied Pisces.

"Maybe Anne just pretends that she knows everything while she doesn't," suggested Libra.

"She has a crush on Leo and he used to get special treatment," informed Aquarius.

"How?" asked Aries.

"She used to give him cake instead of whatever the hell we eat. And don't you still have those bookshelves?" asked Aquarius.

Leo nodded his head. "Yeah."


Gemini and Taurus were walking out to the car when two bodyguards tried to sneak up on them.

"GEMINI LOOK OUT!" screamed Taurus. Gemini turned around and punched one of them in the face. Taurus knocked the other one out.

"They're not wearing the jackets though," said Gemini.

Taurus rolled his eyes. "No because that would be too obvious." Then he unzipped the bodyguard's black hoodie and underneath was a jacket like all the others. Gemini knocked the other bodyguard out and did the same. Then they took the jackets.

Gemini smiled. "Now we only need three more jackets."

"Yeah." Then they got into the car.

"We deleted that tracking app, how do they still know where we are? I mean anytime we're in public those bodyguards come at us like flies."

"I don't even know or care. As long as they come at us later so we can steal three more jackets."

"I don't know if that plan will work though. It's very risky. Like what if the kidnappers kidnap one of us instead?"

"Well we don't have another choice so we have to hope for the best," said Taurus. "Also if you get kidnapped now you won't have to be there for long."

"Yeah I guess you're right."

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