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*This chapter has yet to be edited*

The zodiacs were in language class waiting for the teacher. Aries, Sagittarius and Virgo were playing never have I ever, Taurus, Leo and Gemini were eating chips, Pisces, Scorpio and Libra were drawing on Pisces exercise book, Capricorn was reading and Aquarius was texting. Then Leo gave Gemini the rest of his chips and sat in Scorpio's lap because he was bored.

"Santa can I have a unicorn for Christmas? I've been asking for one ever since I was five," said Leo batting his eye lashes.

"Ow you're heavy. Get off of me," said Scorpio. Pisces was taking a video of them and fangirling over her OTP even though one of them was her boyfriend.

"Please Santa Scorpy?" asked Leo while making a sad face. Then the teacher walked in.

"Leo get off Scorpio's lap. You can admire your boyfriend all you want when you're at home." Everyone laughed except for Leo and Scorpio. Especially Pisces, Libra and Cancer.

"No we're not-"

"I don't care. Anyway let's continue with today's work." Said the teacher. Leo went back to his desk and stuck his tongue at Scorpio. Oh I'll get you a unicorn all right... Thought Scorpio. Then Gemini jumped in his arms and broke the chair Scorpio was sitting in.

"I hope you know you're paying for that! Office now!" said the teacher pointing to the office. Gemini was laughing his head off while him and Scorpio walked out the door. Then Scorpio grinned at his revenge plan. Everyone else waited for the teacher to assign work.


Eleven zodiacs walked home. Scorpio called home sick. Pisces laughed because she figured out what he was up to.

"What's so funny?" asked Capricorn.

"Nothing!" giggled Pisces.

"I'm hungry. We should buy some cake," suggested Aries.

"No need. There's an ice cream and chocolate cake at the house," said Gemini. Then him and Cancer high fived.

"But what about cheesecake? Aries just has such an obsession over it and it would be a shame to make her sad," said Virgo.

"Nah. As long as it's vanilla ice cream cake I'm happy," said Aries.

"But Sagittarius loves cheesecake too!" said Virgo.

"Meh," said Sagittarius.

"Sounds like Virgo has an obsession," said Taurus.

"OKAY FINE I DO AND I MUST BUY A CHEESECAKE!" yelled Virgo while running towards the shop.

"How long before she realizes she has no money right now?" asked Cancer.

"Who knows," said Libra. The zodiacs walked into their front yard.

"Why is there glitter on the driveway?" asked Aquarius.

"Why isn't there always glitter on the driveway?" asked Leo. When they walked inside the house there was rainbow sparkles everywhere, unicorn stickers all over the walls, unicorn balloons and a plush horse sized unicorn in the middle of the living room. It had a notebook sitting on its back.

"What's going on?" asked Gemini.

"The revenge," whispered Pisces.

"Hey guys. What's that notebook for?" asked Capricorn. Then he opened it. Everyone gathered around. Glued to every page on the notebook was funny pictures of Leo and Gemini.

"Aww... Look at this one of Leo dancing in the kitchen when he thought we were all asleep," said Libra.

"Look at Gemini's face in this one when he got gum stuck in his hair," said Aquarius.

"Look at Leo in this one as he chased after a bird that stole his happy meal," said Taurus.

"Scorpio certainly goes over the top for revenge," said Aries.

"I think he just likes glitter to be honest," said Cancer. Sagittarius picked up handfuls of glitter and sprinkled it in everyone's hair. Then Virgo ran through the door.

"Woah did a unicorn throw up in here or something?" asked Virgo. Scorpio walked into the living room and pressed a certain spot on the plush unicorns back and it threw up rainbow sparkles. Everyone else was suddenly in love with the plush unicorn that throws up rainbow sparkles.

"Today is officially unicorn day," said Aries.

"I'll go write it down so we will remember next year," said Pisces.

"Where did you get that unicorn?" asked Taurus.

"My imagination," replied Scorpio.

"NOOOOOOOO! It ran out of rainbow sparkles!" said Gemini.

"Gemini, the button isn't on the unicorn's butt," said Aquarius pressing on its back making more rainbow sparkles.


"Anyway," said Capricorn. "Scorpio over there has a mess to clean."

"Blame Leo and Gemini, they're the ones that got me in trouble," said Scorpio.


"LEO YOU BETTER NOT HAVE TRIED TO DISAPPEAR AGAIN WHEN IT'S YOUR TURN TO CLEAN UP!" yelled Libra interrupting Capricorn. Leo came running downstairs.

"I uh... Had to use the washroom haha," said Leo a little afraid.

"Right," said Libra.

"Can we keep the unicorn please?" asked Cancer.

"What else would we do with it?" asked Scorpio.

"I don't know! But I wanna name her Cuddles because she's cuddly," said Cancer hugging the plush unicorn.

"I wonder if we can fill its stomach with sprinkles and press the button when when want sprinkles," said Sagittarius.

"Cuddles will NOT be used as a sprinkle dispenser!" said Cancer.

"Why not?" asked Sagittarius.

"Because... Well... Because I said so!" said Cancer.

"Virgo leave cuddles hair alone! She wants her hair to be loose and free!" said Aries.

"No she wants something done with her hair," said Virgo while braiding random parts of her mane.

"Imagine if we had a real unicorn," said Aquarius.

"Unless we can keep her magical powers away from Gemini and the fire signs, the world would burn down faster then you could blink," said Libra.

"Look at us obsessing over a plush unicorn," said Virgo.

"She can be real in our imaginations!" said Pisces.

"Magical unicorn Cuddles? Can you solve my homework for me please? I have homework in like every subject," said Leo.

"That's because in class you didn't do your work," said Aquarius.

"I want ice cream," said Taurus randomly.

"Me too lets go get some," said Capricorn. Then everyone ran towards the cars. Then Pisces snuck back and took Cuddles the unicorn with her.

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