Chapter Eight

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Today has been a long day. I became Josh Hine's girlfriend and I find out he's been "hanging out" with Boomquisha. I feel like such an idiot. I don't know why I fall for this every time. Guys say they like me when I know they don't. But when I let my guard down, they just screw me over. And I'm so sick of it.


"Honey, could you run to the store and get me a few things."

"Sure mom."

I throw on a hoodie, put my boots on and hurry down the stairs to get the list of items.

"Be careful sweetie!"

As I'm walking to the store, I think about everything that has happened to me recently. Losing Ari, the whole Josh and Boomquisha situation.

I honestly don't know what to do. It's too late to transfer schools, mom really likes her job and I don't want to put any stress on her. I really wish my parents didn't get a divorce, nothing is the same. They say I had nothing to do with it, that they needed time apart. One week turned into two months and two months turned into a year. They said that they love me & that they both love eachother, but I don't believe it. If you love someone, shouldn't you fight for them?

I get to the store and I see Josh and some boys from the basketball team. I don't say anything to him, not even look at him. But before I could slip away, Trevor Darby, Josh's bestfriend says the meanest thing ever.

"Damn bro. I feel sorry that you had sex with that thing. She's not even on your level. She's a nobody. I know we don't love them hoes, but our standards ain't THAT low."

The boys laugh and when I turn around, Josh is laughing. Cracking up with buddies, didn't even say a word in defense for me. I hurry out the store and act like I heard nothing.

But I did hear something.

I heard everything I needed to hear... she's a NOBODY. No one knows what it's like to be in my shoes. To be

picked on everyday about every single little thing. Having people say mean and cruel things about you and just standing there like a helpless doofus. But you know what? I'm gonna prove everyone who thinks I'm not good enough.

*Walks in the house, mom is sitting at the table*

"Mom, can we go to the mall?"

"Sure honey, why?"

"I think it time for a little makeover."


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