Chapter 4: The Breakout (act 1)

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"So..... what are you guys would like to talk about?" I begin to ask two of Helghast guard who standing side to side at the front of the cell.

"Sorry.... we don't talk to the prisoner." Said one the Helghast guard. Yup! like I said on previous chapter, this guy don't know how to have fun.

Haa.....It's been a two week after a weird phenomenon happen to me. There's was no outside contact or any chance of been rescue by someone. I guess, I don't have any choice to look at my 'guardian' on watch every single day or looking the prisoners get their execution and wait the new one comes.

-several minute later-
"Alright! It's lunch time you scrub!"
Yell one the Helghast to all inmate in the cell. After the announcement, all cell door automatically open and all the Helghast guard begin to secure the prisoner and lead them to the cafeteria.

Except me, I'm just sitting here and doing nothing until one of the Helghast guard came over with the food and I to wait until all the prisoners to enter back to their cell. So... I decide to chat with one of them who always hidden 'itself' from me.

"Haa.... you don't need to hidden from me Alexandra." Saying to my 'guardian'.

Alexandra begin to appear from her camouflage mode and reveal herself in front of me.

"What did you want prisoners?" Asked Alexandra in static voices. Ok.... is it me or her voice kinda sound like Darth Vader because I felt myself it funny when she says like that and since when she wearing the vocal transmitter.

"Alexandra... why you have to wear that....pfftt... vocal transmitter....?" I begin to chuckle a bit ask I spoke to her. Oh...What am I kidding, of course I'm about to laugh after heard what she about to say.

"We always wear it every time we on duty. Why... are you laughing?" She asked.

"I'm... not laughing... I'm jut.... hahaha..."

"Seriously.... you laughing at me you worthless inmate." Said Alexandra.

"I-I'm sorry.... it just.... HAHAHA!!.." I started to laugh.

"Shut up you low living being! Or I add up your misery!" Scold Alexandra.

"Ok.... ok... I'll stop... haha.... phew... that one of the rarest moment I ever did." I said to myself.

"By the way.... will you remove the vocal transmitter? It's can get a 'bit' funny if you spoke with it."

"Mmm.... fine! But I won't talk to you if one of them are came." Said Alexandra, removing the vocal transmitter from her throat and reveal her face.

If you asking how does she looks again... (probably I'm not telling from the first encounter.) she has a pale white skin, a pairs of green eyes, and short tied blonde hair. And something that caught my attention on her is...

It's her blush....

It was shaded red and attractive to look at. Then, she notice that I'm staring at her face.

"W-what are you l-looking at!? You low life!" Asked Alexandra. is she some sort of 'Tsundere' characteristic?

"Nothing.... I just found out that you look...."

"Ridiculous...!" She spoke. Sheesh... let me finish my word woman. And since when I being rude to women?

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