Chapter 10: The happy purple (part 1)

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-Day 1,Planeptune-

"*yawn* Ugh...! This is too boooorrrriiinnnggg.... why can't we had a break from the yesterday..?" Said Neptune in boredom.

"Sorry Neptune. Since the previous event, the catastrophic that the monster brought not just devastating but also a great fall upon your Sharite and it's people spirit itself." Said IF who tagged along with us.

After having a breakfast with the others this morning, both of us (me and IF supposedly) we're decide to go out for walk since I'm the 'new' people from the other world. But before both of us could go out, Histoire requested us to bring Neptune along since she the 'goddess' of this nation had to explain and show the around of the Planeptune.


"Ohh~ Guys~ I've think I found something interesting~" Said Neptune who seem leisure to see something. As both of us decide to come over to her. It'll turn out that she found....

"A pudding shop.....?" Said both us in sync. Jinx I think...?

"What do you guys think? This could be a great opportunity to try it out right?" Asked Neptune in cheerful tone. To be honest... I would rather to leave Neptune if she kept holding us too many time. 

"Neptune... please focus on your duty as a goddess of Planeptune right now or Mrs. Histoire will got mad and frustrated with you." Said IF in respond the lilac spiky hair.

"Awww.... C'mon Iffy, it just a one cup pudding and after that we can continue with our job ok?" Said Neptune in cheerful tone again although she seem a bit desperate to persuade both of us.

"Sorry Neptune... but we'll had to continue with your.... 'Noble accompany' right now." Yeah... i did it... as I mention about it. Neptune begin to giggles to my words and for IF.. she just only scoff of it.

"Mgh! Noble accompany..... Mgh!" Said Neptune holding her laugh.

"Yeah yeah... come along princess..." I'll decide to continue with my walk as I 'carried'  both of them along.


-Planeptune central city-

"Man.... today seem pretty crowded with people...." I whistle as I looking the crowd walking place to place.

"Huh... never thought people able to keep themselves back to daily routine after the event huh?" My word IF, my word.

The central city of the Planptune  most likely busiest spot for people who come and go from work place, home or probably go for supper. As futuristic the city is, there were many hologram of advertisement, Idol debut, and many more. Not to mention, a hover platform that works like escalator and elevator at the same time. It also make me wondering.... does futuristic of this city does applied to the other landmasses? 

"Good question there my dear newbie protagonist." Said Neptune who.... Wait... did she just..

"I'm pretty sure you're forgotten that I'm Neptune, who is also a main protagonist of my own series: Hyperdimension; Neptunia will do a quick teach me with HIstoire right..... NOW!" Wait what!?



Well hello there, my name Histoire and I'm a tone and also a oracle of Planeptune. Today, I would like to tell you about the landmasses in Gamindustri. In the world Gamindustri, there was four landmasses that ruled by the goddesses and the people who lived and worshiped them. Those are;

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