A fanfiction story about a group of teenagers stuck in different world and dimension.
There purpose are to regroup and return to their world. However, their quest to return aren't easy as they thought . But... the longer they'll stay, the fantasy...
"Y- you're..... you're gonna be kidding me..." Said Hiki as he look over the pile of bones that seem surrounded the a place that looks like a nest for a monster. Even this world is made out of digital and codes, somehow... it feels a bit surreal to him.
" 'Ugh.... I never thought it could be this.... horrid.' " Said Uni covering her nose from the scent.
"Haa... I thought your HDD form could make this scent 'invisible' to you." Sarcasm Hiki he is.
" 'What kind of feature is that!? We never had that feature and most importantly... where did you hear this nonsense thing at!?' " Said Uni that dumbfounded to this.
"Well.... maybe I misheard it or probably Neptune who knows how to trick me to it." Hiki response with small grin that he made of.
" 'Y-you.... I thought you not going to be fooled by her... or this is one of your joke that you were made out of...?' " Uni start to look at him with disbelief if he nodded to the question.
"Hmm... let see.... maybe I fooled you around and start joking over you're capability...? I don't know... maybe both?" He snickers as he wondering the cave without any reason or guidance.
" 'Hiki... I swear to you if you start to-' " Before Uni could finished her words, IF interrupt with a sheesh.
"Quite you two! We don't want to called that monster to come over and attacked us." Said IF as she keep looking the surrounding. Then... something popped on Hiki mind and snaps his finger.
"Oh... you mean the monster that I just 'called' to come here?" After he said that, he began to point out the noise that come from behind him.
As both the girls look where he pointed at, the monster begin to roar and charges itself towards them.
".... Hiki.... where all the food that..."
"Well... I just about to said that I left them just in case if the target to followed us from behind... so.... is it bad..?"
"..! You sonava!" IF begin to strangle his neck and start to chocking him with the force that she had to carried him up.
"What in world that you being doing!? That is for us and not for that fucking monster!"
"Well at least we could call it for..."
"And did you know how hungry I am right now!? Not because don't get a breakfast! I didn't even able to finish it because of you're emergency called! Now we're gonna starve right before we could able and...." and there she goes with her ranting for he's idiocy. Not realizing the monster about to attack them, Uni ended herself (themselves) being.....
Attention! At this point, the Crossovers has finally being banned due to the excessive graphical content. Apology if this news upsetting you guys and we hope we could met in another story. See ya.