The Beginning

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*It's dark, I'm shivering, and I hear a voice calling out to me, I'm unsure of who, but I don't like it. The wind blows and I know I'm without clothing, by the way, the wind cuts my skin.

"Carter!" *

I shudder as I sit up, I am indeed naked, I quickly look around, my family is gone. Do I even have a family? Where is Sunny? I'm lost, and I begin to shiver, I lay by the side of the river where I've been washed up, and I cry out for my brother.

"Sunny?! Sunny! Where are you??!" I yell at the top of my lungs, and then I close my eyes and a tear streaks down my face. I have no idea how long I lay there and cry out for my brother, I've been looking for so long, how is this happening? The storm was what brought me here, and I long for my brother more than anything now, I've been looking for him since I was ten, set out on my own, I'm seventeen now..... it's been seven years, I just want to find him! I hear something in the distance and I curl myself into a ball hoping whatever it is will just go away, and I know that I'm getting sick as my shivering body can't stop itself from the cold lashing around me. Suddenly there is a warm red object on me, and I know I'm close to passing out, I look to see a man dressed in red, he has a powerful stance to him, and his hair is light brown, eyes hardened from a powerful position I assume. He has a light brown beard as well.

"Just like Sunny....I think you could be something great." I close my eyes for a moment and my brother flashes through my mind.

"Sunny! Sunny where are you?!" I try to scream, but it comes out muffled, the older gentlemen gives me a confused and curious look, and then my eyes close, darkness surrounds me.

When I wake, I am surrounded by what I realize are Clipper's, and a Baron, the man from before. I don't feel cold anymore and I sit up slowly as to not offend anyone.

"Good evening young lady." The Baron says, and I give him a nod.

"Good evening Baron," I say it's a respectful tone and he nods as if to say he approves. He slowly watches me as I look at what I'm dressed in now. It's a red worrier attire, and I think it suits me well. Black shorts, boots, and red silk over it, along with a short red vest, and undergarments for my breast. I'm actually enjoying this until,

"Sunny!" The Baron yells. My eyes drift to the door and there in a red Clipper's vest, black pants, and boots stands my brother!

"Sunny?!" My voice cracks, and I can't handle the sudden realization that my brother is alive and he's been in The Badlands the whole time! My head spins, and his look is very serious and very curious like The Baron's was when he found me by the river. I have to catch my breath and I hold my head in my hands as Sunny inspects me.

"Does she seem familiar to you Sunny? When we found her she was mumbling about you, and asking where you were." The Baron explains, and I am lost of words as Sunny comes closer to me and he looks me over. Mine and his eyes connect and he looks shocked, we have the same facial features! The only difference is he's in his twenties, and I'm seventeen.

"No, Baron." He says, and I get enraged.

"Sunny? How can you not remember your own sister?!" I yell at him, and three other Clipper's stand in my way. "I've been looking for you for seven years, and this is what I get when I finally have the opportunity to find you and talk to you?" I am in tears at this point, and the Baron watches me closely. I quickly put all the fighting skills I'd learned from my mentor on my travels into action, climbing the Clipper's like they were nothing and hitting their pressure points until they all lay on the floor, temporarily paralyzed. Sunny and the Baron look at me wide eyed.

"I know there was something special behind her." The Baron says, he simply looks between me and Sunny, "Sunny, I want you to take her in, teach her. Maybe you'll even get gain from it." The Baron is basically giving me my wish.

"What about my Colt? What do I do with him, Baron?" Sunny asked he is shocked and by the look on his face, angry.

"Continue your training, it looks as if your sister," I look at Sunny, who clenches his jaw at the statement. "Knows a thing or two that would be helpful.I want a full report on everything she tells you too." I beam at Sunny, who only looks at the Baron.

"Yes, Baron." He says, and then begins to walk away, and gives me a harsh, "Come on."

I quickly follow, but not before I thank the Baron, and he gives me a nod. I wonder what all Sunny will say to me when we get out of the mansion, and I see a boy in a Colt's uniform waiting for him.

"What happened?" The boy asked and I study him, he's actually pretty cute. Dark brown hair, beautiful light brown eyes, tan skin like Sunny and I, and a nice voice, he even looks right around my age.

"Nothing, the Baron found a girl, and now she's my responsibility." His voice is angry and the boy just now notices me.

"Oh," He says he looks me up and down and I blush, "Is that a Clipper's uniform modified for her?" He asked Sunny, and my brother looks back at me and he nods at the boy.

"Come on, hurry it up, " he glances at me. "You're going to stay with Veil until I figure something out." He growls, and I don't argue. He isn't who I remember, and I think a monster has taken his place, my heart has already shattered as my expectations of him have.

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