Blood Test

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I'm struggling to keep up with my brother, and soon we reach a bike. He hops on and tells me to get on, I do. Then the boy climbs on and I'm sandwiched between  him and Sunny. I scoot closer to Sunny feeling a bit uncomfortable, and he stiffens but doesn't do anything about it. We begin the drive and I am silent, everyone is. I feel like I've fallen into a malicious world  that isn't right like nothing is going to be okay with me and Sunny ever again. He's a hardened Clipper, and I'm still just his little sister. The ride seems forever, but it's only about twenty minutes. 

"Come on girl." He says, and I get mad, 

"You don't even remember my name do you Sunny?" I ask, he tightens and turns on me. 

"I have no idea who you are and if you're lying or not, I know nothing about you, how could I possibly know your name?" He says, the anger also evident in his voice as it is mine. 

"Because I'm not lying, I'm your sister, my name is Cater just so you know. " I say, the boy beside me looks shocked, and I give him a glare, "I bet you don't have a past either do you?" I asked and his face contours into a glare right back at me.

"Actually, I do." He says, and I raise a brow, my face relaxing. 

"Interesting," I say as Sunny waits with patients. I then follow him into a house and a women greats us. I give her a smile,

"You must be Veil." I say and she gives me a nod. Sunny looks at her fondly, and I know this must be his girlfriend, or companion, however. 

"I need to ask you a favor, and I hate to." He says he glances down looking at her stomach and back up, and my mouth drops. He's hiding something. 

"It's not a problem, you know that Sunny." Her tone toward him is sweet, and I lightly smile at this, but not enough for anyone to see. 

"Do you still have my blood?" He asked and I raise a brow for the second time, he looks at Veil, and back to me. She gives a nod and then looks at me. 

"This is Carter, I need you to take her blood, I need you to do a test. She says she my sister, and I need proof, if she is, I've got one more thing to take care of." He sighs, and she pats him on the arm. 

"Don't worry, if she is, I'll help." She says giving me a smile, I return it. 

"Me too!" The boy pipes in, and Sunny glares at him. "What?" He asked Sunny gives him a look, "We'll talk later?" He asked, and my brother nods. 

"We'll be back later okay?" Veil nods at Sunny's words and then they leave me alone with this strange, but pleasant  woman. 

"Is it okay if I take a sample of your blood sweetie, I know Sunny can be a bit impulsive," She says, and I give her a smile. 

"I don't mind, especially if it proves to Sunny that I'm really his sister. I mean, we have the same facial features." I say, Veil looks me over and a smile creeps onto her lips as she sees's the resemblance. 

"Well, you have the same eye's, and cheeks, and chin, so I don't see how he doesn't see it." We laugh at this and I agree.  "Alright, " She pauses as she reaches up and gets a container, it holds needles, and tubes to catch the blood. "This will hurt a bit, it did when Sunny got his taken, it was a regular blood test for the Baron," She explains, and I nod to her that I understand. 

"I'm ready," With this, she begins to probe my arm, and she finds a vein easily, she smiles at this. 

"Just like Sunny," Her voice travels to my ears and I smile at the thought. She suddenly sticks me, and I barely feel it, which is a first for my pain tolerance. She takes the crimson blood and she begins her test, as she tells me to make myself at home. I sit and read, something I learned from my mentor, I suppose she was lost in the storm. 

She holds mainly medical books, and then she holds, a black book with a gold city on it! I quickly pick it up and I read the title, 

"Azra?" I asked aloud and Veil gasp. 

"You can read the book? You know the language?" Her shock is overwhelming and I give her a nod. 

"My mentor knew many languages and taught them to me on my journey to find Sunny," I explain. 

"That's perfect," *ding!* "That's the test, I'll be back." She goes into what seems to be her place of work and she looks at a paper with what I assume is results. I wait patiently and the door opens, revealing Sunny and the boy. Sunny goes to Veil right away, and the boy sits next to me. 

"Hi Carter," he smiles at me, and my heart speeds up. *Get a grip Carter, he's just a boy!* I scream at myself, 

"Hi.... uhm...."

"It's M.K." He informs and I give him a smile and repeat the name,

"M.K. huh? That's interesting." We then begin to have a conversation, it's light and even a little playful. M.K. glances at the Azra book sitting on the table, and I do too. 

"What is it?" I say and he looks from the book to me.

"That's where I'm from, " He informs and I mouth an 'oh.' 

"I can read it you know?" I say, and he gasped. 

"You can? That's great!  I need your help, so does Sunny." He starts feeling me with all this information and about everything Sunny and himself have been through, and I listen intently. 

"M.K., Carter, Sunny, sit at the table, please." Veil says and we all move to the table. 

"What's it say?" He asked, and Veil gives me the biggest smile I've seen since I've been in the Badlands. 

"Carter is your sister Sunny, there's no denying it," She informs and I give Sunny a smile, his eyes are wide and he sighs. 

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