I Want To Be a Clipper

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Sunny has been avoiding me, Veil says he's just thinking about stuff and that he'll come around to it, but, I just don't know what to think. I thought about becoming a Clipper, but Veil has advised me not to.

"M.K. and you are to involved," I'm chocked on my drink by her words and it almost leaves my mouth, but I stop it and swallow.

"What?" I ask, and Veil smiles at me,

"I see the way he looks at you. I see the way you look at him." I can feel the blush on my face as she continues to tease me.
"Veil?" We both look toward the door of her clinic. A blonde, dressed in light blue appears and informs us that someone named Ryder has been hurt and hasn't woken since they found him.
"Give us a minuet," Veil pulls me to the side as she begins to gather what seems to be a medical bag. "Carter, we have to go to the mansion. I want you to stay close and wear your Clippers vest so you fit in. You can escort me. " I only nod as I now help her in anyway she needs.

As we walk, the blonde ask questions,
"Who are you?"
" I'm Sunny's sister, Carter." I inform, I see Veil smile from the corner of my eye.
"Well, I'm Jade." She gives me a light smile.
"She's going to be the Barons new Baroness soon." Veil says from the side but something tells me that Jade's affection for this Ryder guy is more then she puts on, especially if she getting married to Quinn.
"So, who's Ryder?" I asked, and I assume she and Veil take it as curiosity.
"The Barons son." Jade says and my mouth drops, isn't there a special doctor to take care of him?
I state the question out loud.Veil looks unpleased and she tells me that she'll explain later. Jade also looks ominous on the topic. I only continue to escort Veil, Jade leads us up the stairs to a room where a boy lay, he appears to be sleeping. The woman at his bedside ask Veil what she's doing and Jade explains.
"Who are you?" She ask and I straighten,
"Sunny's sister Baroness." I say, and she looks approving of my respect.
"His brain is swollen. I need to remove the pressure immediately." Veil's voice is panicked as she goes for something in her bag. It looks like something you'd drill with, and the Baroness speaks up.
"Your not using that on him!" She's panicked, she obviously takes great pride in her son.
"How long will he have if we don't operate?" Jade ask, Veil informs that he'll be dead by nightfall and with this, the Baroness gives in. I help hold Ryders head,
"It's very important that you hold his head still." Both I and the Baroness nod to Veil. She begins to drill on the side of Ryders head and we hear his bones cracking. I don't flinch or move, even as his blood splatters on my face.

Later, we are joined by Quinn. He eyes me, and ask if we can talk before Veil and I leave.
"Yes, of course Baron." I say, and he thanks Veil.
"Your the one Sunny's wicking. " I knew it!
Veil looks shocked, "What? You don't think I know how my regent spends his spare time?" His words seem to frighten Veil and then Ryder is awake.
As me and Veil are leaving Sunny is walking through.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"We didn't have a choice. And the Baron is talking to Carter, she's headed to his office. " I nod to confirm her words, Sunnys eyes are wide but he doesn't have time to say anything before Quinn calls him in.
"I'll find my way back, with Sunny." I inform and she gives me a tight hug. "Be careful Veil." I say, she nods and I make my way back to the room they brought me to when I first arrived. I head footsteps, the door closes,
"Take a seat Carter."
"Yes, Baron." I sit.
"Carter, I think you could be something great." He starts, and then sits down in front of me. "So, I'm giving you the choice, what do you wish to do?"
"I want to be a Clipper Baron." I inform, he smile and two Clippers from behind me grab my arms.
"Put her in the pit with the biggest and meanest we have. If she really wants it, she'll prove it there."
I suddenly felt the weight of my actions and I knew I was going to regret it. I felt nervous for the first time in my life, I felt like everything was falling through, like death would capture me in the pit, but I knew it wasn't true. The pit is dirty, and surrounded by rocks. I step in, the Baron is watching me close. When the boy steps into the ring, I gulp. Damn. He gets a hit on me, I flip backward so he can no longer touch me, I grab his arm, twisting it, it's broken. I've been in the pit a total of three seconds, I climbed him like a tree sending blows as I go. Snap. He falls from under me, five seconds was all it took.
"I give you our one and only female Clipper. I'll assign her to Sunny." The baron says, I smile brightly at him. The kill actually made me feel alive, like I had a future and a plan. I felt like the world couldn't hurt me, like I could be invincible. The Baron smiled down upon me, and felt the respect and loyalty coursing through me. Everything is right. I do want to be a Clipper.

(Sorry if there are mestakes. New chapter was done with phone.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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