Chapter 1: Blinded

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The music was blasting in this club, just the way she liked it. She took another shot of fireball and forced it down her throat, while wiping the tears off her face that left eyeliner stains. The bartender looked at her as he poured another round of fireball into the shot glass, assuming she wanted more. She quickly nodded and took the shot glass after the bartender slid it over to her. Before she could chug it down, someone had approached her. The almost-drunk girl turned around to see it was just her friend Alessa.
"Jenn, I think it's time we go home now...", she told her drunk looking friend sounding worried.
Jenn shook her head. "I'm not going back home. Benns there", she refused.
"You can't stay mad at him forever. I know he did you wrong but it was your choice to make him our roommate", Alessa said, trying to make a point, but realizing it was a bad one. She just wanted to go home.
"I don't care. I'm not going home. At least tonight I'm not. I'll go spend the night at my sisters or something", Jenn still refused and then looked up at her friend and glared at her, wanting to be left alone.
Alessa gave her the are-you-fucking-kidding-me look and then responded, "Kelsie lives 2 hours away. I'm not letting your drunk ass drive itself over there. Nor, am I letting you take the bus."
"Less... Please...", Jenn started to cry again, not wanting to argue with her best friend. She could feel herself about to blow up in Alessa's face but she knew she'd regret it afterwards. The only reason why she didn't want to go back home is because her cheating ex, Benn lives with her and will live with her until he finds a job. She planned on not seeing his face at least for just one night and that's what she's sticking with.
"Fine", Alessa gave up, but pissed off. "Have fun here", she looked at Jenn one last time and then stomped off.
As soon as she left, Jenn finally took the lst shot of fireball and then decided it was quits. "Can I get tequilla with lemon on the side please?", Jenn ordered from the Bartender.
He nodded.
"Wow, aren't you fancy?" Someone asked that was a few seats away from her. She looked up at the person. She could barely see who it was because they were wearing a black leather jacket-hoodie, and plus the building was dark. The only thing she could sort of see was his tanned face, big brown eyes, and a beauty mark right above his lip.
"I guess", Jenn responded, waiting for her drink, wondering what was taking so long.
"What's a sexy girl like you doing at a bar alone at almost midnight?", the mysterious guy asked her.
"I was with a friend but she had to leave", she responded, not really caring how creepy this dude was getting. Maybe it was because he was incredibly attractive.
The guy smirked, "Oh really?", he asked as he stood up from his seat, then walked over to the seat next to mine and sat on it. Now she was able to see this guy clearly. He was even cuter up close.
"Yup", she responded, now feeling sick after all the shots of fireball that she had. "What are you doing here?"  Jenn asked curiously.
He opened his mouth to speak, but got interrupted.
"He always comes here", the bartender said, as he finally came back with the tequilla. He handed it to Jenn. The bartender looked at the tanned man, then back at her. "He's not someone you should mess with...", bartender warned and then walked away.
Jenn was too drunk to understand so she just shook her head.
"Hey... What do you say, lets get out of here and go back to my place?", Andy asked with a grin on his face. Jenns face lit up and knew where this would lead to. But she became too drunk to care.
"Lets go."

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