Chapter 2

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The bright morning sun was shinging through the window blinds. Jenn raised her hand over her eyes trying to block out the sun. She slightly sat up feeling extremely sore for some reason. Her back, hips, and neck felt like they were in a world of pain. Without looking, she fiddled around with the blankets trying to look for her phone. She finally got a grip on it and brought it to face her. She turned on her phone to see what time it was and squinted her eyes. The time read 11:02 a.m. Jenn then tried to unlock her phone but it kept saying the passcode was incorrect. She realized how hungover she was by the throbbing in her head.
"What are you doing on my phone?", she heard a male voice ask. She got confused, wondering who the hell was in her house. But then she realized, she wasn't in her house. She didn't recognize the room she was in. Jenn put down the phone and turned around, hoping it wasn't the guy she met at the bar last night. But it was.
"Oh fuck", she accidentally said out loud and then covered her mouth.
"Good morning to you too", Andy said then rolled his eyes and walked over to the bathroom that was built in his bedroom. "Also, that's exactly what happened last night", he winked and grinned at Jenn, looking at her through the bathroom mirror.
"FUCK!", she mouthed and fully sat up on the bed. "That's why I'm so sore..", Jenn said to herself but she knew the guy heard her because he glanced at her for a second. "Hey.. What's your name?", she asked him even though she knew she should've asked him last night.
"A little late on that", he did one of those jerk sounding chuckles. He took out his razor blade and put cream on his face, about to shave his cheek, he respond, "Andy. Andy Leo is my name." Then he turned around and looked directly at her, waiting for her to tell him her name.
"I'm Jenn..", she introduced herself, rubbing her neck. "I'm surprised you haven't even kicked me out yet."
Andy opened his mouth to respond, but stopped as soon as he heard the doorbell ring. He stood still, and raised his eyebrows looking paranoid.
"Aren't you going to get th-", Jenn tried to ask but got cut off as soon as she heard people yelling.
"Shit! Jenn, you have to go right now", Andy demanded while wiped the shaving cream off his face.
"Ha! Are you kidding me? I'm already here. I don't even know how fucking far I am away from home so I'm not leaving", she refused, glaring at him. "What the hell did you even do anyways?" she asked him but he didn't respond, trying to figure out what to do. Jenn heard the continuous knocking on the door, it started to bug her. She got up from the bed, put her clothes on and walked over to the door.
"What the fuck are you doing?!", Andy asked, thinking she was going to rat him out for whatever he did.
Jenn slowly opened the door, and saw two middle-aged men standing in front of her, both wearing police uniforms.
"Can I help you?", Jenn asked, her body started to shake. She hasn't bullshitted cops in a long ass time.
"We're looking for a teenage-looking boy. He's about 5'8 ish. Tan... Ummm... Dark hair?", the red-headed cop described who they were looking for.
"What'd this person do?" Jenn asked them, since Andy wouldn't tell her.
"He shoplifted from a nearby mall and we don't deal with those kind of people around here", the brown-haired cop explained to Jenn.
Jenn turned around and glared at Andy, who was standing behind a wall, trying to look innocent. She turned back around to face the cops and responded, "Well you guys do realize, you kind of are dealing with it? Otherwise you wouldn't be standing in front of me looking like complete idiots", she eyed the red haired cop that was holding a burrito.
"Well aren't you sassy?!" the cop said, looking insulted.
"Yeah, well if that's all, you guys can leave now because I don't know any assholes by that name", she said and then slammed the door in their faces.
She turned around and looked at Andy, "You're welcome", and then walked over to the side of the bed and gathered her other belongings.
"Wait, where are you going?", Andy asked her, stopping her from moving around.
"Well you were probably going to kick me out eventually so I'm just going to leave so you don't have to", she responded, looking straight into his eyes.
"Please don't", he said, still trying to block her. "I mean... I usually do make people leave but, what you did for me was... Cool. So please stay.. At least for another day?", Andy asked, making the most ridiculous, but cute puppy dog face.
"Fine.", Jenn rolled her eyes. She stopped what she was doing and put all her stuff back on the floor. "My friend must be worried sick about me though and I can't even find my phone", Jenn explained as she looked around for it.
"Is this it?", he asked, holding a phone with a sparkly case on it. "By the way, how'd you get the cops to go away?", Andy asked as he handed Jenns phone over to her.
"My sister was a huge troublemaker, almost a criminal... And I'd just find excuses and insults to make to bullshit the cops. I don't get along with her, but she was my guardian at that time and I didn't have anywhere else to stay. But now I live with my best friend", Jenn explained, as she sent a text back, replying to Alessa.
"That explains it. Wait how old are you?", Andy asked her, now with a worried look.
"19.. Why? Wait... How old are you?", she glared at him, thinking she just got banged by a 30 year old last night. But he doesn't really look that old.
"Okay good, you're legal. I'm 21", he said as he rubbed his forehead and stood up. "Do you want anything to drink?", he asked as he walked out of his bedroom and over to his kitchen that was close by. Jenn got up and followed behind him.
"What is this? Lets have sex one night and then chill the morning after?", Jenn joked and then sat down on a chair.
"Pretty much", Andy grinned.
All of a sudden, Jenns phone started ringing. It was Alessa.
"Fuck..", she thought.

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