Chat [Unwept Emotions]

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dedicated to islandarc for being rad af

Chat [Unwept Emotions]

Harley looked surprised and whatever smartass retort had come to his mind died on his lips. He read the note and frowned. At the last line he began to laugh.

Megan shifted uncomfortably, "Why are you laughing?"

He laughed some more before answering, "How could you even think I would be capable of writing this shit?"

"Wha-" Megan asked, her throat running dry. OHMYGOD. This was a mistake. He's not lying. This was such a huge mistake. Shit shit shit. Is there a hole I can crawl into and die?

"Whoever this lovesick guy is, he needs to get a life," Harley laughed. "I mean," he read aloud, "I admire you, not in the way an artist or a connoisseur admires art but in the way the wind admires treetops? Seriously? Yuck, I would rather die than write something like that but wow, you have a secret admirer, Jackson. Someone who's too shy to talk to you in real life. Of course, it's no surprise it's some loser who likes you."

"Give the note back," Megan asked, coldly, feeling herself die a little at his every laugh and jibe.

"Are you sure I shouldn't parade this around for my entertainment?" he asked.

Megan lunged and tried to pull away the paper only tearing it in the process. She threw the torn bits back at Harley, "You can keep them, y-you jerk."

[ there you go, cat's outta the bag

here is where I give off some of my sermon-y notes so brace yourselves or just skip this: I have always disliked love triangles. the guy I love usually never gets the girl in the end (in a way that's good because more for me and my fangirl heart) but what I seriously dislike about love triangles is that it's all so neatly cut out from the start. we usually know who is going to end up with the heroine. I tried (tried is the word, fellas) in this story to do my best to slightly change that and this is why when chits and chats started I made both Harley and Connor equally important for the story. I wanted the readers to have as much dilemma about choosing one as Megan would have realistically. same reason goes for why I never said outright who wrote the notes until a few chapters ago so yes, connor wrote the notes and now it's not just us but Megan too who knows but that doesn't mean that #congan or #marley is sailing steadily because I can assure there's loads to come and you'll love it.

nobody cares, zak, just shut up. lol my inner voice, everyone.

just stay tuned and umm vote and comment so I know you guys enjoyed this yeah? x]

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