The train meeting

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Y/n pov

There I was sitting in a cabinet in the Hogwarts express sleeping peacefully until I heard some sort of shouting and I woke up, I sighed and took out some knifes from my coat and begin to throw them to the ceiling and catching them back. You see I'm not a regular student  for the first I'm a vampire, second I'm more than 400 years, third I was the only descendant of an ancient culture that can bend the elements at my will and finally but not less important I was a grim reaper... Yeah my dear lector I was death itself but anyways get back to the story

I heard like a struggle and then the name of "snivellus" I ignored it until I sensed the door opening so I threw a knife failing on purpose to hit a ginger girl and a black haired boy behind her " e-excuse me  do you mind if we sit here? Everywhere else is full.." I looked at him interested and their blood smelled good " If I did mind you'll be dead already so not at all..." A small grin appeared in my mouth as both sit and put they belongings in the upper compartment, so I took once again my knifes and throw them again to the ceiling  with every hit they jumped a bit

The ginger turned to me and said " my name is lily Evans I'm a muggle born and you?" I looked up at them and the boy seemed a bit shy but I decided to share some information " my name is (y/n) and I'm a pure blood... Actually I may be the only true pure blood in this train..." I turned to the black haired boy who seemed a bit cute for me " and for the scandal you managed to form a few minutes ago I must I suppose you're snivellus..." I was trailed off by him "THATS NO MY NAME!!!" I stared at him " oh my apologies but I don't know you and that was the fist name I heard they called you so don't judge before knowing the facts" he looked down and replied in a slow cute deep voice " my apologies... The name is Snape Severus Snape and I'm. Halfblood... Umm why are you throwing knifes inside the train? " I looked at them " I'm bored that's why" I put them away since they were getting really nervous " anyways in which house you want to be? Sev and I want to be in Gryffindor or Slytherin" I look up at her " I really don't care as long as I can belong somewhere" Severus turned his expression to curiosity just then our eyes met and I was speechless his onyx eyes were so beautiful against mine soulless ones.

He was about to say something when an old woman yelled " anything from the trolley" then I smelled the familiar scent of blood, by the time the woman arrived our compartment I jumped and grabbed all those lollipops made of blood " hey want anything?" Lily looked at me w wish but we haven't any money " that's when. Their stomach growled, so I looked at the woman " we take the lot how much would it be?" The woman looked at me as if I we joking " 35 galleons" I handed her the money and dragged the trolley inside and looked at them who were dumbfounded " what are you going to eat or what?" They mutter a small thank you and dig in while I just licked my lollipops " aren't you going to eat?" I turned to Severus and shook my head " all yours I insist" after a few minutes I had fallen asleep

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