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Several days had passed since I fall asleep in the couch and
Sincerely I don't know how she's the best of many classes... I mean all she do is sleep all day!!!! until we get potions or astronomy because they're in the evening! Besides she never eats at the great hall and if she does it's because she's accompanying me, also I've never seen her ear something at the great hall not to mention that I've never seen her wand not even in charms or Dada, she's always writing things in that book of hers, but one day everything in our relationship changed...

I was heading to the common room when potter and his friends cut my path " going somewhere snivellus?" " that's not of your business potter now let me be" they have been bullying me when y/n wasn't around, all of them withdraw their wands and I do the same " please snivellus you actually think that you can take on all of us?" Black said behind me with petigrew beside him " shut the fuck up black!" And that was the detonate.

We were fighting with all we had, still I only had taken down petigrew but the other three throwing hexes at me, I was hit one after another, my body felt numb as I tried to counter attack...


Ahh!!! To many paperwork to be done for the office, all because a demon in Glasgow, I was writing down hearing the sound of the rain outside when I bump into someone " hey watch out where you going!" The boy looked at me with fear" I'm sorry I just was w-watching the fight" I frown "what fight kid?!" He pointed to the centre of the circle outside its was Snape vs those abusive griffindors, I closed my to die list making it disappear and make my way trough the people, some of them went to reach a professor, the next thing I knew was that the world stopped at the sound of the most painful scream I've ever heard, " Severus..." I used earthbending to move the people away only to see Severus on the ground bleeding severely and potter, black and lupin ready their next attack, I ran towards him just in time to receive the hexes for him " you know... That fighting I the corridors is forbidden right?" Potter laughed at me " and what you think you're doing?!" I smirk " saving a friend"

Snape POV

I had accepted my fate when they hexed and cursed me, I was bleeding profusely in my side and also coughing blood but when the last blow never arrived I opened my eyes just to see y/n in front of me in a protective stance, I couldn't believed that she saved me and less when she said that I was her friend.

(Y/n) POV

I shot a death glare towards the three of them " go away and you won't end in the hospital wing...." I was beyond pissed and I didn't know why just the sight of Severus in that state drove me crazy " we are not going anywhere you whore!!" Potter yelled at me " you had been warned" at top speed I broke their arms and legs making them squeal like a dog.

By the time a professor came I already had potter and their friends tied up and bleeding, I explained what happened to professor Mcgonagall she checked the all the wands " 50 points from Gryffindor for each one of you and detention for a week with mr. Filch" all of them groaned.

I took Severus to the common room laying him on a couch " what did I told you about fighting them " " t-they s-started" I sigh in frustration " I know but at this rate you'll never end your studies here alive Severus" I cleaned his wounds making him hiss in pain " I know I'm stronger than them but...-" " but you're not strong enough to show it because you care about what lily think of it" that somehow left a funny sensation in me " yeah... You're right, she doesn't need to see such dark magic" I give him a pillow when I was about to put his bones in place " this will hurt a lot" and without hesitation I put them in place making him almost faint due to the pain, I looked at him and cut my palm making him drink my blood " I'm becoming soft because of you and I don't know why..." " c-can I ask you a question?" I nod once looking at the green fireplace " what exactly are you?"

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