The sorting hat

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Severus POV
When she finally fell asleep I could have a better look o her and she was in one word.... "Weird"...

I mean she was wearing a black suit like a muggle, black shoes perfectly polished and black tie , a waist coat and underneath a white shirt, her eyes nevertheless were emerald green just like Lily's... And h/c hair with a stand of silver but not that silver makes you old but a natural one.

When she turned around I could see a huge double handed sword that was against the train wall " lily have you already saw the sword?" She looked confused " no where is it Sev?" I pointed to it" there net the window " she put her hands in her mouth like she does when she's afraid of something " oh god... S-she's not going to kill us right? I mean with all the knives and the sword? " I shivered at the thought of death " no of course not she's only wearing them because of the death eaters I suppose... don't worry lily I know some powerful spells to protect us" she looked at me with a beautiful smile "thank you sev"

It was 8pm when she finally woke up, lily and I already had changed into our uniforms so after se finished her yawn I told her "We're almost there you should change into the uniform" she looked at me with one sleepy eye " I'm already in my uniform" I frowned and reply " no you're not you're in a suit that's no-" before I could protest she cut me off" look I talked with Dumbledore and he agrees for me to use this so I won't change my robes thank you very much..." She was about to say something when the train stopped and everyone began to climb down so we gathered our stuff and I noticed that (y/n hadn't any lullage at all just that sword but I supposed it was with the rest, I opened the door and bumped into someone " sorry" I said hurriedly " you better be snivellus... " it was potter and his gang " if you excuse us we have to get off the train" he looked at (y/n) and said " the girls can go but you're going back to London snivellus" he punched me in the face making it bleed lily catches me as (y/n) glared at him "you're the one who woke me up a while ago potter and yet you're coward enough to treat him like this?... Pathetic" potter looked furious and saw her sword, in a smooth movement he took it From her and aim at her chest" no one... Calls me a coward or pathetic!!!" (Y/n) seemed not to listen and suddenly everything went cold, everyone aimed their wands at her but she just chuckled in a dark way " no one touch my sword..." That's all she said, the next thing I remember is that she moved at light speed, broke his wrist and disarmed all of them, James yelled in pain and let go the sword" h-how c-could you do that?!" He said between sobs " I simply took it fool... And if you lay another filthy hand over it again I won't have mercy at all with you and your friends" they ran out the train leaving us Behind " here drink this you'll feel better... Don't worry it's medicine" so I took it and instantly my nose felt better and the bleed stopped but when I was going to thank her she was gone " she's weird lily... We should be careful too " she nodded and grabbed my Hand and I blushed " come on sev move on or we'll miss the boats!!

(Y/n) POV

After I gave him the vial i disappeared in shadow " he must have a death wish if he touch my sword again I'm going turn him in bloody pieces" I think to myself, after a few minutes walking by the edge of the dock I saw. Few boats for a vast amount of people I figured out that they weren't enough so I stepped back and waited to everyone took their seat until I was he only one standing " oh dear ou' don't have a seat! " hagrid said " don't worry I'll just walk then " walk? What are ye" talkin' bout?" I smiled and stepped in the water like if was solid... I earned glares and some words like freak and stuff " well shall we? " hagrid nodded and lead the boats with me behind walking peacefully.

Finally we arrived at the double doors and enter though them into the huge great hall, I saw the four tables of the houses and one at the back for the professors and a stool with an old rot hat on it " when I say your name you'll seat in the stool and I'll put the sorting hat over you and we will know your house" said the old woman that explained us before the houses my eyes wondered as they lay on Dumbledore he gave me a nod which I returned he was the one who hired me for 100 galleons per day after all, a few names passed and I heard " Evans Lilly!" She went all nervous to he stool and I took her place at Severus's side, after a few seconds the hat shouted GRYFFINDOR!! And everyone cheered except Severus who seemed heartbroken " don't worry the fact that you're not in the same house it doesn't mean you can't be friends anymore" he smiled just when the old witch yelled "Snape, Severus!" I nod and he stood in the stool for a few seconds before the hat shouts "SLYTHERIN" he went to his house table and sat beside a blond haired boy, the minutes and students passed until I was the last one "Crevan, (y/n)" I sat on the stool what happened next had no precedent...

"Interesting I never had to sort one of your race before... I see you have a lot of potential, you're brave, smart and loyal... My my you have the qualities of the four houses...
But where to put you?" The minutes passed and I became bored because the damned hat couldn't choose and people start yell things like "she's not a witch or she doesn't belong here!!" Until the hat spoke " I finally made a choice!! She possesses all the four houses qualities but since I cannot put her in all of them I'm going to choose... SLYTHERIN AND GRYFFINDOR!!" Everyone went silent... I was the first witch, reaper, vampire who was in two houses...

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