Chris: Eliza (Elizabeth) Jane Leonard
James: Gabrielle (Gabby) Mary Graham
Barclay: Marina Beth Beales
Tom: Rosalie Kate Mann
Charlie: Nada-Leigh Sarah Jones
Jake: Brooke Emma Sims
Casey: Emma-Lyn Jacelyn Johnson
Reece: Jocelyn Latia Bibby
Hi guys it's Amber this is my first actual preference as a co-owner so I hope you like and thank you to Libby who did your baby boys name because that's were I got the idea from so thanks and see you guys some time soon. Oh and by the way my personal username is amberjazmyn if you need anything or just want to talk I am mostly on my iPad or computer like I am now as I have graduated Year 7 so I can update more then I could when I was at school. Bye Bye. Love Amber Xx