voodoo gurus casting their spells in a field of dark green surrounded by shadows and I am not sure this is right but there's nothing else to do and there are too many lights and that was such a crowded room with all those people dressed in black it made me uncomfortable and sad and I remember his face in the crowd like warm light breaking through clouds and I felt something in my chest something I had felt before but I can't remember when maybe light-years ago back when I didn't have this hole in my chest left there by all these people in dark cloaks now they're dancing in the smoke and I know this isn't right I know it isn't but I'm helpless to stop it this was my decision we're too far gone to turn back now I can't turn back now can I it's too late the smoke is clearing away and there's a light in the sky too bright for the night and I'm pushing all my insecurities away because he is here again and I am filled with peace and love and I love him and I missed him and salt is on my lips and then on his and we are together and there can be nothing wrong about that there can be nothing wrong with this I'll say it till the end of time we are right we are right we are right.
voodoo gurus
Paranormalnejust a quick stream of consciousness, a thought process - feel free to be inspired and write something longer from it, i'd love to see what you can create! cover credit: http://seemoreandmore.tumblr.com/post/102367925541