Lie With Me [ MB Sex Story ]

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Hi My name is Prodigy, better known as Craig, Im 23 years old and live in a 4 bedroom mansion with my wife Brionna and my two kids Kylie & Kaylie who are my world. I work a full time job being the singer in a group called " Mindless Behavior ". I have one of the best families ever and they are always their for me when I need them along with my brothers Rayan, Chresanto and Jacob. Although my life might seem perfect but it isnt because im a " Sex Addict ".

Hello my name is Ray Ray, better known as Rayan, Im 25 years old and I live in a 3 bedroom house alone. I work in a group called " Mindless Behavior " which allows me to spend majority of my time pleasing fans and hanging with my brothers. I have no more family or friends everyone left me when I started.. well lets just say turned into a " Sex Addict ".

Hey my name is Princeton, better known as Jacob, I am 24 years old and I stay in a 2 bedroom apartment with my dog beans. I have a job in a group called " Mindless Behavior " I really enjoy being around positive people and doing crazy things with my mexican family who I basically would do anything for. I know your thinking he is a normal guy but your wrong thing started turning for the worst when I became a " Sex Addict ".

Wassup? My name is Roc Royal, better known as Chresanto, I am 20 years young freshly out of college living by myself and in a big group called " Mindless Behavior ". Being in MB gives me the chance to associate and talk with allot of girls since im a ladies man. I have family that cares but sometimes they turn their back on me when I need them the most. I know I seem like the typical ladies man but you cant really find women who actually want you when you are a " Sex Addict ".

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