"Ladies Man" Ch 3.

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     It was a boring ass night nothing was on TV nobody was in the streets just me and my lonely house. I decided to me up with my bro Ray Ray at a local bar to talk about some things.

"Man I just cant believe we are fixing to go on tour again " Ray said cheerfully.

"Me either man you know how much p*ssy we finna get?" Roc said while taking another shot.

"I can only imagine" Ray said while gulping down one also.

"Bruh, forget that we need to be thinking about our future and how its gonna turn out." Ray said in a serious tone.

"What? Oh no dont you start turning into Prod on me." Roc said while laughing.

Why not? We need to start following his footsteps and try to settle down with someone and start a family one day also. Ray said.

"Wait! Hold up!" Roc started getting serious. "You really think that someone wants a sex addict Ray? We have no life. Just because were famous dont mean shit! I cant tell wether a fan wants me or my money these days and here you go with all this settling down bullshit. You know what settle down with all these chicks thats in the bar with us right now."

"Man are you serious? I dont want to settle down with these hoes. The only reason they are here is to get us and our money. Yes I have/will get with one of them if/when my addiction kicks in but other than that im NOT settling down with them! And I wouldnt be a good brother if I didnt tell you to stop acting so selfish and think about others for a change." Ray said while paying for his drinks and leaving.

   As much as I didnt want to admit it Ray was right. I never once thought about how much I was pushing the boys away I was more into my addiction and the ladies. I had forgotten that if it wasnt for my brothers I wouldnt be in the position I am now they were there when I needed them the most. And I started letting my addiction get the best of me and my memory. We all started this addiction together and promised that we wouldnt let it break us up and I was letting that happen. I could feel my addiction kicking in again. I cant control it.

" Its okay dont listen to him you are sexy!" one girl said while touching on his leg.

"Yea Roc, dont let this bring you down babe." another girl said while feeling on his d*ick.

   I couldnt control it anymore. My knees were beginning to shake. My whole body was getting hot. I could feel myself arouse quickly. The girls felt and touched on Roczilla. I felt as if I was gonna pass out.

Roc..Roc..ROC! one girl yelled.

Huh-huh? I jumped.

"Do you want to do this or what ?" she asked while biting her lip.

"Y-yea l-lets just go to the carhe said while stumbling to the car.


We arrived at my house I didnt want to waste any time getting to know these girls. All I knew is that they were either hoes or groupies and my addiction was kkilling me so I needed to have sex quickly.

"Dont worry mamas gonna take good care of you." one girl said while climbing on top of me.

"Im next!" the other girl said while sucking on my neck.

   She was riding me slow and fast while the other girl kissed me softly. She grinded and grinded while moaning loudly and saying my name "Roc oh Roc". It never made me feel good that I was having sex with a stranger but it made my addiction better. The more I let my addiction go on without trying to stop or solve it the more it felt like I was dieng. If I didnt try I would kill myself. Literally. Girl number two hopped on.

"You like that dont you?" she said while riding fast and hard.

Fuck! Yesssss! I yelled while guiding her hips as they swayed up and down.

"Auuuuggghhhhh! Your so big!" she yelled.

All of a sudden I couldnt hear anything. It felt as if I was going to erupt. A big erosion moved up my legs, thighs and down below. I feel it its coming.

FUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKKKK! I yelled while pumping into her hard and fast and nutting.

Whooo! You are a BEAST! she said getting off and getting dressed.

    I walked them to the door and thanked them both. It wasnt easy throwing them out after a time like that. But I still had respect for myself and them so I decided it was best for them to leave.

We had a GREAT time you are quite a Ladies Man. she said while leaving.

"Thanks, bye and call me!" I yelled while closing the door.

I felt so guilty.

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