"Troubled" Ch 4.

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After arguing with Roc at the bar I left before our addiction got the best of us. I went home and called the one person that I knew I could always talk to out of the group. Prod.

Prod: Hello?

Ray: Hey Prod man.

Prod: Hey Ray wassup?

Ray: Roc man its like he doesn't even care anymore. He isn't trying to fight this addiction at all.

Prod: Man all you got to do is be there for him through this.

Ray: I have more than anyone else and now I'm regretting it. The only thing he cares about is ladies.

Prod: Roc is just stubborn and we all know that and plus he is the youngest so it takes him a little bit longer. But all I ask is you don't give up on him because that's what we promised each other that we would never let this addiction get the best of us. And I'm going to make sure that it doesn't.

Ray: Man your right. Thanks.

Prod: Your welcome and don't forget we have a doctors appointment tomorrow at 1.

Ray: I wont bye.

Prod: Bye.

- Next Morning -

I woke up feeling like shit and worried about Roc. I began my day by taking a shower and making breakfast. Suddenly I felt my addiction slowly kicking in which was weird because it never happens this early in the morning. I tried to ignore it and continue eating but it didn't work I eventually became frustrated and hot. I quickly ran upstairs grabbed my lotion and went to work. I didn't have it as bad as the rest of the group I could get away with doing hand jobs MOST of the time. *10 mins later* It was 5 til 1 I quickly ran to the car and drove to the doctors.

"Sorry im late" I said while sitting down.

"Its okay we all just got here" Prince said while sitting down also.

"Okay I signed us all in so we should go back any moment now" Prod explained while taking a seat.

We always went back as a group so we could see how each of us was dealing with the addiction.

Nurse: Craig, Rayan, Jacob and Chresanto?

"That's us!" Prod yelled while jumping up.

Nurse: "Okay right this way." as she showed us to our room.

She did the usual checked our weight, temperature, heart beats, ears and gave us 4 cups to pee in. We went to bathroom one by one and dropped our cup off at the desk on the way back.

"So hows everyone holding up?" Prod asked.

"I'm doing better I only had to masturbate once today."

"That's great!" he cheered. Roc? Prince?

'Im doing great!" Roc lied.

"Oh really? You was going through a sexual breakdown last night. I added."

"Listen bro I wasn't going through shit until you gave me that sorry ass speech." Roc yelled.

"Well maybe if you didnt think about fucking girls all day I wouldnt had to." I yelled even louder.

"You know what maybe if you minded your own bus-gco-" Roc started.

"Hey Hey Hey! We been together to long for yall to be arguing over stupid shit! Moving on.. Prince?" Prod yelled.

"I have nothing to say."

"Prince I know you have something to say you used to talk more than the rest of us." Prod explained.

"I don't have shit to say Prod okay!" Prince yelled.

"Oh hell no you are not fixing to yell at me. I been trying to get y'all all on the same page for months now but y'all never listen or try. I'm the one who make our appointments and get all y'all together for practices and meetings. Yall act like y'all don't wanna do good for yourself even when you have people who want to see you do better. Its like I'm babysitting the group and I'm fucking tired its time for y'all to grow up. We are still a damn group at the end of the day we have fans to please and they would hate to see us fall apart whether its with the addiction or without." Prod said while almost crying.

"Man im sorry I just, Im tired and frustrated with all this." Prince cried.

"Hes right.Were sorry also." Roc added.

"Its okay. Just remember we were all brothers before this and we are going to remain brothers until this is over. No matter what happens." Prod chanted.

Nurse walks in." I have good and bad news."

"Good news first" I stated.

"Good news is you guys are all getting medicine to help with your addiction. Bad news is we found something in one of your urine." She explained.

"WHAT!? NO!!" Ray yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2013 ⏰

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