Christmas eve

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Christmas lights and snow covered the streets of New York, people passing by, walking out stores with hand full of presents for there friends and families. Just the wonderful Christmas spirit filling the air, that is if you can't the loud sirens of police cruisers chasing after vehicle with sack full of cash.

Cars went aside as the robbing vehicle passed, with gun fire at it's tail. The criminal looked at his rear view mirror with a smirk, he loved a good car chase. He made a hard right, dashing through the side walk destroying stands as people jumped out of the way as the speeding vehicle increased it's speed.

Police cruiser dashed through the turn and continued on there pursuit. Meanwhile, on top of the roof top of an apartment building. A small shadow figure jumped from building to building, looking down at the vehicle being chased by the law. The figure advance 5 more buildings then crouched down, and looked at the upcoming vehicle.

He raised his arm following the vehicle, his hands glowed glowed and blue smoke emerge. Inside the vehicle, the criminal laughed at the cruiser as they were far behind. Then his car started to shake, and made odd noises.

"What the?" The crinimal questioned, as the hood erupted and smacked open and smoke raging out. Then the car lost it's sense of direction, and came flying to a lamp post. The car's front was smashed by impact, and also resulting for the post to fall down in front of it.

"Ah dammit!" the man screamed, as he got out with his bag of cash, avoiding sparks from the light. He can hear the sirens getting near, he looks around frantically, finding a dark alley way and runs toward it. He gets deeper into the alley that was full of trash bags and filth. Eventually finds the ladder of the fire exit, but it was raised up. He wraps the bag around him, and jumps up grabbing on the end of the ladder, struggling as he pushed himself up.

The police stopped there vehicles, making loud screech noises and stepped off there cars.

"Over there! Check the alley, and we'll the check the streets!" the voices of the chief was heard by the escaping criminal as he finally climbs on the ladder. Two police officers came in the alley, there guns pointed out, and there flash light scanning the area.

The escapee looked down and snickered as he climbed up the emergency exit and reached the roof of the building. He puffs out air and looks down at the police officers who were looking behind trash bags and junk. He laughs triumphantly, and looks down as his bag. He unzips it and reveals pile of thousands in side.

"Another job well than." he mutters grinning.

"Really?" a young male voice asked, and suddenly a black blur past through, his bag of cash was gone .

"Hey where!?" he looks around, and from his right, standing from the edge of the roof, was a boy, wearing a hoodie tacked in his jeans. The wore a handkerchief over his mouth and nose, a pair of goggles, a strap around from his left shoulder, to his waist, shoulder and knee pads, and black boots.

"Wow, this is a lot." the child says looking at the bag, then throws it over the edge were the police were looking.

"No!!" the robber looked down, and saw the bag landed in front of an officer, and was astonished. He glances back at the boy with a sharp glare, who was sitting the edge, swinging his feet back and fort.

"You little brat!" he charges at boy, and in a flash he disappeared. The robber was shocked, but didn't stopped until he tripped over the edge

."Ah! Whoa!" he closed his eyes, but someone grabbed the collar of his shirt behind him.

He was then pulled back, and fell to the ground. He looks up and sees the boy standing before him.

"You alright?" the asked, a few feet away from the man.

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