The Party

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Dipper Pov.

I was laying on my bed, reading a mystery novel about murder, and some high tech computer chip. I was in the middle of the book, when my desk rumbled. I look up from my book, and looked up. The lower drawer rumbled.

I sighed, and folded the tip of the page as a bookmark, and stood up from my bed. I stretch my arms, and went straight to my desk opening the lower drawer.

"Alright, what is it this time?" I asked as I pulled out a disk, about the size of my hand with ruins and stones on four corners, and one at the center.

I stared at it's glowing stone at the center.

"Japan, and Manhattan." I said and the glowing died.

"Right!" I said throwing the disk back, and closing the drawer. I went to my closet, and got out my vigilante gear. I wore my outfit, and went straight to my closet. I closed my eyes and chanted the spell under my breath.

My closet swung open, revealing a long alleyway and in a distance was a side walk with cars passing by. I stepped in, and the doors closed. I look back to see nothing but a metal door on a building, I turned back to the alley then look up. I bend my knees, and jumped to the top of the buildings.

I landed on the roof and I began to walk around it.

"Alright, where are you?" I wondered crouching down at the edge of the roof. I scanned the area looking down at the streets, watching people pass by.

I was at Japan, a lot of signs hanging, pretty lights giving life to the buildings, the local looking down at there phone and using there foreign language. I looked around, but where's the problem-


There was suddenly an explosion, and the building I was on rumbled that made me stumble down.

"Whoa! Whoa! What the hell!?" I yelled, and jumped back up. I ran to the edge, and look down, the was black smoke at the bottom, and gun fire.

"急げ!(Hurry up!)" one yelled. "来ます!(Coming!)" Another yells back.

I stood up on the edge, and stretch my hands like an exercise. Then my legs, and when I was done I look back down where gun fire is still being shot at. I jumped straight down, and in seconds I landed at the dark misty battlefield.

"袋を渡します!(Pass the bag!)" I heard a man yelling, then out of the blue two men wearing ski masks, and pistols with a bag a cash at hand appeared.

They stopped and saw me.

"誰の子供?(Whose the kid!?)" the man on the left yelled frantically. "キッドは、迷子に!(Kid get lost!)" the one on the right yelled.

Through my mask I smiled. "そこにこんにちは、私はあなたを停止するためにここにいますよ. (Hello there, I'm here to stop.)" I said and they glanced at each other.

3rd person Pov.

The guards of the bank slowly went to the door. It's been minute since the robbers stopped firing, and as the smoke finally faded. They saw the two crooks tied up, up side down on a lamp post, with the bag of the stolen money next to the door.

Meanwhile, on the roof top. The vigilante was sitting on the edge, swinging his feet as he watch as the police men put the crooks down of the lamp post.

"Well that's done, now for the next one!" he exclaims. He turns around and walks to a door that leads to the bottom floor. He mumbles a spell, and the door shots open revealing some sort of plaza.

He walks in, and looks around as the door closes. He was there was a ceiling covering him, and very few people walking by. He walks to the side, and looks around.

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