Waking Up

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Waking up is soft and slow, thoughts slowly beginning to form as your body comes to, shifting and turning further into the source of warmth, which you soon come to realise is Dylan, judging by the warm skin pressed against you, and the reassuring body shape you're tucked into. "Shh," his voice is husky, not used yet, and your eyelashes brush his collarbones as you open your eyes, "We're still sleeping." "You're still sleeping," you murmur, hitching yourself further up the bed so that your eyes are level with his, toes pressed into his shins. "I'm awake." "Really," Dylan teases, fingers dragging over your back, eyes still closed, "Are you going to get up then?" You shake your head, resting a palm against his face, fingertips poised on his cheekbone. "You're warm." "Ah," he hums, "So I'm being used for my body heat." You laugh, slipping a knee between his, "You blew my cover." "Damnit," he's smiling, the corners of his mouth tugged up, "I liked living in ignorance." "Sorry," you murmur, pressing a small kiss to the tip of his nose, which he wrinkles, before raising a hand to tap his lips, "Kisses please. They wake me up." A laugh slips out as you rest your forehead against his, obeying his command as the sun comes in through the curtains, splashing pretty golden shades over furniture and your entwined bodies. 

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