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“Mom! Look, Justin has another new single and its title is Heartbreaker! Gosh! I cant wait to hear the song. I bet it’s gonna be great!” I shouted on top of my lungs. 

I’am a huge fan of Justin Bieber ever since I first saw his music video which is One Time. I was 12 years old way back when one boring day I decided to turn my TV on so that I can watch the shows on MTV. After 10 minutes of watching MTV I saw a very attractive young man who is older than me by 3 years but that time I didn’t know that he was older than me since he looks very young but I found out all about who he is when after watching his music video on MTV, I turned my laptop on and googled him.

“That’s great honey!” My mom said with smile on her lips.

“I better inform my friend, Julianna, about this!” I told my mom.

Just so you know, Julianna is also a belieber like me and we’ve been pretty close since we were in diapers so when I first told her that I was crushing on Justin Bieber, she told me that she also happens to have a crush on him too but the good thing about us beliebers, is that even though we have a crush on the same guy, we don’t quarrel and get jealous with one another, and a matter of fact, we even try to help one another to have a chance to meet Justin in person. Anyway, I grabbed my phone and pressed Julianna’s number. After 2 rings…

“Oh my gosh! I already know what you’re gonna tell me! It’s all about his new single am I right?” She squealed.

“Yeah! I can’t wait to hear it. That reminds me, I gotta save money in order for me to buy it on iTunes.” I replied.

“Me too! By the way, I heard that he’s touring Asia soon!” She said.

“Yeah, I know but I still can’t get over the fact that I still wasn’t able to see him in person! My life sucks big time!” I sighed.

That’s right, even though I’m from Canada but I wasn’t able to see him just yet since when the last time he went here my parents and I went to New York to celebrate my grandma’s birthday and the other time that he held a concert here, I was having a fever. Sometimes, I would think that fate doesn’t wants us to meet just yet but right now, I don’t care all about fate since I wanna meet him so badly.

“That all right Jess, you’ll meet him someday. There are still plenty of times. It’s not yet the end of the world after all” She responded with a very encouraging tone.

“Thanks Jul! You’re a very great friend. Never Say Never!” I stated with enthusiasm in my voice.

“I’ll see you tomorrow in school?” Julianna asked.

“Yeah! We’re gonna be juniors tomorrow! I can’t wait! I gotta go bestfriend. Bye!” I replied.

“Bye! See ya! Don’t be late again okay? Cause knowing you’re always late!” She laughed.

I turned my cellphone off and hope that maybe I’ll be able to meet Justin and how I wish that’ll happen soon. I went to my room, laid on my bed and drifted to sleep. Dreaming of a certain attractive young boy, and that face made me put a smile on my face while sleeping.

Author’s Note:

Hey! This is a fan fiction and this is the very first book that I ever made here in wattpad. I would really appreciate it if you could leave some comments and please tell me what you think I should improve on. Just so you know, I’m also a belieber.

