Chapter 6

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Eli POV:

As i walk through the halls, i take a mental note of all the different, typical, high school groups. 

Football Players.






I took my time observing these different groups. This is my last year, i can have a fresh start, choose who i am, control my popularity, and it all just depends on what group i join. I stopped at my locker, 670. i put my bag in and grabbed my books. I think I'm going to do football, it'll make me popular, get a girl to bring home to mom, its been soo longg......

I returned back to reality and pulled out my schedule. 

"Lets see, first  period is.....Math" i said to myself

"Well hey there cutie! I have math first too, Let me walk you there." A high pitched voice squeaked from behind me

I turned around too see a girl.....or maybe it was a plastic doll....not sure. She has long blonde hair that was stick straight stuck into a high, very high, pony tail and a quite ugly big white bow. Her face was a medium orange color, and her eyes looked a rainbow - a very sparkly rainbow. Her lips were Hot pink and she was wearing a very skimpy skirt and crop top shirt that was so tight it showed every single detail, and finally her seven inch stilettos. I'm gonna guess and say she is the head cheerleader. I took a deep breathe and plastered a smile on my face.

"I would very much appreciate that pretty lady." i replied inviting her to hook her arm in mine

"Awesome!" she squeaked

We started walking, well i was walking she was stumbling to the point of, if i let go she would face plant. 

"I'm Eli by the way." i said as we started walking up a flight of stairs.

"I'm Brittany, The Head Cheerleader!" She said, sounding like she won an award

I was thinking to myself about how right i was, when i saw her again. This is crazy, i mean really. This is the biggest school i have ever seen and yet i have to run into the same girl twice in fifteen minutes. sigh. This is gonna be harder than i thought.

Brittany led me to a group of guys all wearing Letterman jackets. Football players. Here's my chance.

"Derek, Nathan, Jake, Bryan, Sam, and Ryan, This is Eli. He's new here." She said

I took in the different appearances of the guys. Derek was tall, well built with short blonde hair and a cheesy smile, He looks like a dick. Nathan, tall, not as well built, brown curly hair, looks like a follower. Jake, tall, nicely built, spiked up dark brown hair, looks kinda kool. Bryan, tall nicely built, Dirty blonde hair, seems like a prankster. Sam, was short but well built with red curly hair, he just looked scary. Then there was Ryan, He was tall, Pretty well built, with black hair that looked alot like mine. Now i would hang out with him.

"Hey there" Derek spoke up first, he seems to be the leader

"Hey nice to meet you guys" I replied. 

"So are you planning on joining the team and hanging with us this year?" Derek asked

"Yes actually, id love to join the team. When are tryouts?" I asked

"Next week, 5am on Wednesday. Be there." Derek said as he walked off, and the other guys followed.

Tryouts should be interesting. Brittany pulled on my arm and directed me towards math.

"I'm sooo excited!!! Once you make the team, we can hang out allll the time! its going to be soooo fun!!" Brittany squeaked next to me. 

When we arrived to class, Almost all the seats were taken. When we entered Brittany loudly announced "This is Eli, he is new here." she then proceeded to drag me to two empty seats. Halfway through the period, i was looking around at all the people, trying to get a feel for who to chill with and who to stay very far away from. When she caught my eye. She was sitting in the far back corner, writing something in her journal. Then a crumbled up piece of paper hit her in the head, and everyone started laughing. 

"Whats so funny back there?" Mr. Matthews asked looking annoyed in a way. 

No one answered. he went back to mumbling things and drawing on the chalk board. He then turned around and started speaking again

"Every day when you are done with your work, bring it to me at my desk, turn it in, then you may either sit back down, or you may go." He said

Hmm. I thought. that's pretty awesome. 'BANG' 'BANG' 'BANG'! I spinned around in my seat to see she had her head on her desk, and everyone was laughing again. I felt bad, but i couldnt interfere, it would of ruined everything i had started thid morning. Mr . Matthews passed out a 'getting to know you' worksheet. I grabbed my pencil and scratched down my name 'Eli Johnson.' Oka. i thought to myself, this cant be too hard, i mean its about me. Question one, Whats your fav food. What. Why. Why does this matter? is he gonna like put me in a word problem or somthing? I wrote dodwn 'French Fries' and moved on. Question Two, Favorite Body part. What. The. Fuck. I dont understand. how can they even ask this question, i know alot of these people are gonna write down somthing that he most likel wont be able to use in a problem. i dont see a point .

Question three, Name of your recent/last girlfriend/boyfriend. I swear my lungs closed up, i dropped my pencil and tried to catch my breath. 



"baby please don't cry, I'm here, shhh." i cooed into her ear

"I don't want to live anymore Eli, I don't want to feel anymore pain." she whimpered into the pillow

"Oka babe i gotta clean this out, so if it hurts just squeeze my arm" i said

"Oka" she replied

I took the hydrogen peroxide and poured some onto a cotton ball. I lifted her shirt up so i could see the wound on her back. Just looking at the gash made me want to murder that asshole. I carefully started to dab at the wound. I got angrier and angrier every time she flinched. I swear i will kill him.

"Shhh its oka baby, he isn't going to hurt you anymore, i promise you. I promise you. I'm going to protect you." I said while bandaging her back. 

"He will come back,  you cant stop him. no one can." she said defeat heavy in her voice.

"I can stop him" i replied


I got up and turned in my paper before practically running out of the classroom. I need to breathe. This is all so much. i went into the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I then pulled out my wallet and took out the picture i kept hidden in the back. She is --- was so beautiful. I closed my eyes and  put the picture up to my heart.

"I miss you so much Lilly." i whispered


Hey Yall! So you guys got a little bit of Eli's background in this chapter. What do you think?? Please comment or inbox me with any questions or suggestions! Please Vote!! I'll be uploading more often now! Even though i'm still not with Daylen ): Stay Strong <3

Emily(: (Long - Distancly) Daylen(:

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