Chapter 2

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3rd POV

Poseidon appeared in his throne room in Atlantis. The room was empty. Poseidon walked to his bedroom with Percy still crying in his arms. Poseidon hugged him closer and continued. He pushed open the door to find his wife sitting on their bed waiting for him.

"Where have you been?" Amphitrite half said, half yelled. "Why are you carrying a baby?"

"Amphitrite, this is my son Perseus," Poseidon said carefully. "I know that he exists because I cheated on you but the woman I cheated on you with is dead now. She was killed by Zeus and there is no one left to look after Percy."

"Then go and dump him in some mortal orphanage or something. I don't want him here," Amphitrite said.

"Amphitrite, please. He's my only son besides Triton and I think Triton should have a baby brother. I'm keeping him Amphitrite so will you please just give him a chance. He's done nothing to you."

"He's the child of one of your affairs!" Amphitrite screamed. "We're not keeping him!"

"I know he is. But I told you, his mother is dead. And I swear it won't happen again. At least hold him."

Poseidon handed Percy to Amphitrite while holding his breath. Amphitrite took him and was about to throw him at Poseidon when Percy finally stopped crying and looked up at Amphitrite. Percy waved his little arms in the air and gurgled. Amphitrite smiled. Poseidon started to breathe again.

"I suppose Triton does need a brother. And I have missed having a baby around. I guess we could keep him. But I swear Poseidon, if this ever happens again..." Amphitrite trailed off as Percy put his hand in front of her mouth as his eyes slowly closed.

Poseidon created a crib out of seawater, took Percy back, kissed him on his head, and laid him down in the crib. He also made a toy dolphin out of sea water and gave it to Percy.

"Goodnight, my son."

Poseidon woke up the next morning to the sound of a babies cry. He sighed slightly and rolled over. He got out of bed and went over to Percy and crouched down next to him.

"Come on, Percy. Let's get you fed."


Triton, the heir to the throne, woke up that morning to the sound of a baby crying. He sat up in bed and looked around, confused.

Triton got out of bed and swam down to the throne room of the palace. He pushed open the doors to see his dad
holding a baby in his arms, rocking the baby, trying to get him to stop crying.

"Dad," Triton said. "What the hell is going on here?"

Poseidon turned around really fast. "Triton. I didn't hear you come in."

"Answer my question. Who the hell is that?"

"Triton. I'd like you to meet your new baby brother. His name is Perseus."

Triton slowly leaned towards Percy and poked him with his finger.

"Careful Triton," Poseidon cautioned. "He is just a baby."

"He's not mum's baby though, is he? Which means you cheated on mum AGAIN!" Triton yelled. "HE DOESN'T BELONG HERE! TAKE HIM AWAY NOW!"

Percy started to cry at the yelling.

"Triton, calm down," Poseidon said sternly. "Your mother and I have discussed this. Your mother agrees that you need a sibling, and Perseus is your brother whether you like it or not. Now you must learn to accept that."


Percy screamed along with him.

Poseidon gasped. "Triton, you should never have said that. Some day, when you've matured, you will love Perseus. And when that day comes, your vow will be broken, and the consequences of your actions will be severe."

Just at that moment, Amphitrite walked through the doors to the throne room.

"What's going on in here? What's with all the yelling?" Amphitrite asked.

Triton swam over to Amphitrite. "Mother, did you know about the half-blood scum?"

"Triton. Why are you talking about your baby brother like that?"

"He's not my brother because he's not your son!" Triton yelled.

"He is your brother, Triton. And he is my son!"

"I told Father this and now I will tell you. He is not my brother, he never has been, and he NEVER WILL BE!" Triton screamed, before storming out.

Percy slowly quietened down after Triton left the room.

Poseidon looked at the floor before muttering to his wife: "He swore to me on the River Styx, Amphitrite. He swore he would never love Percy.

Amphitrite gasped gently and put her hand over her mouth.

"Oh no, what are we going to do, Poseidon?"

There's nothing we can do, Amphitrite. Shall we just present Percy to the people?"

"Yes, but Triton will have to be there."

"I know. Let's give him a few hours to calm down and then the entire city of Atlantis will know about our new son Perseus."

"Will we tell them the truth about his parentage, Poseidon?"

"Yes. I do not want his mother, or the courage she had, to be forgotten. He is her son and always will be, but he is also your son now. That is what we will tell the people."

"Very well. I will allow this to be said because she was a brave, courageous and strong woman and the world needs more of them. Perhaps her story will persuade others to be strong and courageous too."

"Thank you, Amphitrite. Thank you for allowing me to continue her legacy."

Amphitrite smiled and swam away.

"Well then, Percy," Poseidon said, smiling down at the baby in his arms. "Looks like you've met everyone in the family. Now all you've got to meet is the rest of the kingdom. You're a Prince now son."


Thanks for reading! Sorry I took so long to update! I'll try and be faster next time! I hope you enjoyed it!

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