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Casey had biology with us. When we entered the class the teacher was already there,we allowed Casey to go up and introduce himself.

"Hi I'm Casey".He said to the teacher.

"Oh Casey! the special student welcome to my class".

What the heck does he mean special.

Casey nod and turn back to Dale and I.We sat at the front,well because Casey sat there and for some reason I wanted to sit with him.

"Something is wrong with the kid". Dale said,not whispering.

"Shh he can hear you dude".I whispered but Dale shook his head.

"That's the thing,he can't".

I slowly turn to Casey who was playing on his phone.

"Casey?".i said.

I gulp when he didn't even look at me but continued his little game,I turn back to Dale.

"He's just in his phone that's all".i said hoping it was true.

"Okay class let's begin".the teacher said.

I sighed,looking at Casey he didn't even heard what the teacher said until he looked up and saw the teacher writing on the board.

When class over and the bell rang for lunch I waited for Casey at the door,when he came he smiled at me.

"Casey,do...you ....want .....to.....eat .......lunch .......with .......my ......friends .....and ....I?".

"Why talk so slow".

I raise both my eyebrows when he replied,he was hearing me so I didn't have to talk so slow for him to watch my lips.....he's not deaf!!!wait........why am I so happy?

"So do you?".

I ask and he nod.

"Lunch in locker".He pointed down the hall.

He still talks weird though.

We walked to his locker and he got his lunch,we went into the cafeteria where I left him with Dale to go buy my lunch. When I came back our table was full with our friends and Casey looked a little uncomfortable. I sat between him and Dale who whispered in my ears.

"Your boyfriend is a little uncomfortable with so many people".

I turned and glared at him,he just shrug.

"Casey?" I said,he didn't look at me but continued to play with his watch.

I touch him and he jump, looking at me with a small smile that cause me to smile.

"Wanna go outside ?"

He seem to just catch the last word.

"Outside?".he ask and I nod.

"Okay".he said happily

I got up with him and lead him outside,we sat on the bench under a tree.Casey looked like he was enjoying the view.The way he looked around and smile and close his eyes when the wind blew. I still don't get it, since today I met Casey I've been so soft and I want to be his friend so bad and I don't know why.

When school was over I didn't move until Casey's mom picked him up then I went to my car where Apple was waiting.

"What took you so long?".She huff.

"I was with Casey".I unlocked the car for her to go in.

"The new weirdo?".

"He's not a weirdo.....just weird".i mumbled the last part.

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