Chapter 3

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Sehun and Tao looked at each other with big eyes of disbelief "You know her?" Sehun asks first.

"Yeah she works at Sky café and restaurant" Tao explained. Everyone's eyes widened.

"That slutty place?" Kyungsoo asked.Tao nodded.

"Wait how come you know this?" Kai askes him. Tao rolled his eyes at him.

"Because I went there" He said.

"Man Tao I didn't know you were that kind of person" Chanyeol smirked as a joke but Tao glared at him intensely then faced Sehun.

"How come you know her?" Tao askes him.

"Her names Oh Jeong. In other words she's my adopted sister." Everyone's eyes widened since no one knew Sehun had a sister especially adopted.

"Sehun" Jeong muttered. Everyone's eyes widened even more than possible. Tao tried to not drop her but she was holding him tightly. Sehun instantly looked at Jeong sadly.

"Sehun don't leave me. Your the only one who hasn't." Everyone softened at this.Sehun walked towards her.

"Tao, give her to me" Sehun offered, he was nearly in tears by seeing his sister in this state. Tao nodded and tried to take her off him but he couldn't so he exhaled deeply.

"Sehun I would love to take her off me but she is clinging on to me. She probably thinks I am you and is scared from what has happened." Tao explained. Sehun smirked at his answer and caressed her cheek while rubbing his thumb on it.

"Okay but I am sitting next to you in the car" Tao nodded at Sehun's answer and they went inside Tao being careful with her when Chen realized something.

"Wait where would she sleep?" Chen asked and that made everyone think.

"She could sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the floor" Tao confessed he doesn't even know why he said that it just came out maybe because he feels guilty? He doesn't even know. Everyone smirked at him as he looked at them in disbelief. Sehun looked at him.

"Fine but if you do anything to her then you have to pay." Sehun said darkly while glaring at him. You could see a dark aura around him. For the first time ever Sehun looked scary and not at all the cute, innocent Sehun they all know and love.

They finally reached the apartment and all of them went to their rooms except Tao and Jeong. He sighed before walking to his room and laid Jeong on the bed and tried to loosen her grip on him when he heard laughter outside the room. He turned to see Sehun and looked at him with pleading eyes which Sehun obeyed to since he was older. Sehun with his gentle touch loosen her hands and put the duvet over her.

"You better not fall in love with her." Sehun suddenly said. Tao looked at him confused.

"Why-" But Sehun interrupted him.

"You'll hurt her Tao. Especially when you might leave EXO to go back to your family what happens if she'll fall in love with you and you in love with her you'll hurt her and I can't take that. Look she'll be heartbroken everyone left her, her family left her. I left her just to be in EXO and I regret it! So badly so please please don't fall in love with her" Sehun pleaded. Tao softened at Sehun's voice he saw how much her cares for her.

"I promise it's not like I am going to fall in love with her anyway but if I do my heart is responsible for this reaction but I will still promise you Sehun." And with that Sehun left.

The Next Day

Jeong woke up only to realize that she wasn't in her room and bed she instantly sat up to see Tao, her customer "Were you trying to rape me?!" She asks since she was half naked not realizing Tao's jacket on her shoulders. Tao looked at her in disbelief.

"Excuse me?!" He asks shocked.

"You heard me! Why else am I half naked" She said standing up. He walked up to her.

"Say it to me one more time you slut" He snarled at her. She went backwards everytime he went forwards until her back reached the wall and had no escape.

"I'm not a slut!" She replied trying to defend herself.

"Oh haven't looked in the mirror? I feel sorry for you." Jeong glared at him then remembered about school and looked in realization.

"Oh I have to go to school." She was about to step forward when Tao pushed her back.

"Oh no your not" While where EXO was they could hear a commotion, to find out that it comes from Tao's room they looked inside to see Tao and Jeong then blushed since Jeong was half naked at least she was wearing a bra author-chan says then started to listen to what they were saying.

"Why not you perverted stalker!" She snapped at him. EXO tried not to laugh at this.

"I'm not a perverted stalker you slut why are you calling me a perverted stalker anyway?" Tao asks her.

"Why else you idiot you came into a 'slutty café and restaurant' with a 'slutty waitress' you pervert! Why are you calling me a slut anyway?" She asks him.

"It's obvious isn't it? Since you work at the most sluttiest place ever obviously your a slut." Tao explained. Jeong glared at him.

"I have a reason unlike you! Anyway I don't have time for this, I have to go to school" Jeong said, trying to walk away from this but again Tao pushed her back.

"Your not going to school how many times am I saying this end of" Tao said stubbornly.

"And why is that?" She asks him back, he glared at her.

"Can't you even remember what happened yesterday?" Jeong thought and thought but she couldn't even remember what happened.

"I don't remember what happened yesterday" Jeong answered. Tao's eyes widened, same with EXO they all looked at each other but one of the members started to think.

"How come you don't remember? Don't you remember you were raped well almost how come you don't remember?" Jeong's eyes widened.

"R-Raped?" She said in disbelief but before Tao spoke someone did.

"It's actually quite obvious why she can't remember actually" It was Xiumin, the oldest of EXO. Everyone faced him especially Jeong and Tao, who realized they weren't the only ones. Jeong's eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh did you guys kidnap me!" She said assuming the wrong thing. Tao facepalmed himself.

"If we did then we would of tied you up." He muttered.

"You never really know actually they could pretend to gain your trust and then rape you" Tao tilted his head.

"It sounds like this has happened to you before" Tao said. Everyone in the room looked at her.

"Ja plus I saw it in a drama anyway I know you guys want to rape me as well! Well that's not going to happen!" Jeong said stubbornly. Tao grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her violently. "Do you even know who you are dealing with!" He shouted at her.

"Ja! A bunch of perverted stalkers who want to sleep with me!" She shouted back when she heard a voice.

"Jeong" She instantly knew that voice she turned to see everyone moving away so she could see the person as he continued. "Jeong do you remember me?" Jeong's eyes widened.


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