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Kris and Jeong then hugged when suddenly Kris went near her ear and whispered. “You would look great with Tao. He will treat you well.” This made Jeong shocked. Kris ended the hug and looked at Jeong. Jeong got over the shock and gave Kris a small smile before nodding slightly.Kris smiled back at her before standing up. He tilted his head slightly to see Tao almost crying. Kris smiled slightly before walking towards Tao. “You didn’t think I’ll forget about you right?” Kris said, making Tao’s head snap upwards towards him.Tao’s eyes glistened with tears before jumping onto Kris to hug him. Tao bursted into tears as Kris comforted him. Tao kept murmuring ‘I’m sorry’ to Kris. When finally Tao’s crying turned into sobbing. “Don’t worry Tao you’re forgiven. I’m so sorry I didn’t forgive you earlier. I’m sorry for everything.” Kris said then went near Tao’s ear before whispering. “Look after Jeong for me. After all you guys really will be a great couple.” Kris ended the hug only to see the same reaction as Jeong, shocked. Kris smiled before looking at his friends. “I guess this is a goodbye for now. I’ll see you all later. Goodbye Jeong. Goodbye EXO. I wish you all the best of luck.” Kris told them before bowing then…he left.

Tao and Jeong were alone in their bedroom when Tao hit the wall near her, making her shocked. “Listen Jeong. I can’t take this anymore. I…I…have feelings for you…I-I love you.” He said before linking his lips with Jeong’s. Jeong slowly kissing back. It was slow and perfect for Jeong when Kyungsoo and Sehun just happened to walk past. When they saw this scene they went inside hurriedly, only to attack Tao.

“You son of a b****. How dare you make a move at my sister…no our sister. You said that you won’t fall in love with Jeong, ey. THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW!” Sehun shouted angrily, pinning Tao on the ground. Kyungsoo went to Jeong to check if she was okay as Sehun’s anger caused a lot of ruckus, making the rest of EXO see what is going on. Tao was now facing the ground.

“I’m sorry Sehun but I can’t control what I feel. I love her.” Tao answered honestly. Sehun’s eyes widened before he pushed Tao even more to the ground. Before he could say anything Jeong did.

“Please Sehun stop. I-I love him! Please don’t hurt him!” Jeong pleaded. Sehun’s eyes softened before turning towards Jeong.

“B-But Jeong. I-I don’t want you to get hurt! He might hurt you. I don’t want you to get hurt again.” Sehun softly said. Jeong looked at him she knows that he cares about her but she wanted this. After all, she loved him. Before she could say anything Tao did.

“I won’t hurt her. I love her too much to hurt her. If I hurt her you and Kyungsoo can punish me, trust me on this.” Kyungsoo nodded in approval while Sehun looked a bit weary. He looked at Jeong only to see her pouty face. He sighed in defeat then nodded.

“Fine if you ever ever hurt her I will be sure that you won’t be on planet earth anymore.” Tao scared but happy in the same time, kneeled so he can hug Jeong.

“Your mine now.” Tao said before linking his lips with Jeong’s. Cheering was heard through the room as Jeong smiled.

A month later

Jeong needed to go food shopping so she decided to go.

In the middle of food shopping Jeong paused, overhearing what was said with a group of girls.

“Have you heard about Tao from EXO?” One of the girls with blonde hair said, peaking Jeong’s interest.

“No why? What happened?” Another of the girl’s asked. Everyone in the group turned towards her shocked.

“You don’t know! Apparently Tao is leaving from EXO because of his injured foot and now his dad is involved it is bad like really bad. I think he will leave and got to China. Afterall, one of the reasons he will leave is because he hasn’t seen his family and friends for ages.” The same girl from before said. Jeong was frozen, too shocked to move. ‘Tao’s leaving? Why didn’t he tell me?’ Jeong thought, now too distracted to continue shopping and decided to go home.

Jeong slowly wheeled home, still shell-shocked at the news given she had to confront Tao she just had to.

When she arrived home, Sehun instantly came up to her only to frown. “W-What’s wrong Jeong? Are you ok?” Sehun asked his noona. Jeong slipped out of her daydream and faced Sehun, fake smiling towards him.

“I’m okay just a bit tired that’s all” She said which was sort of true. Jeong headed upstairs in the machine sort of thing. “I’m going to my bedroom to sleep goodnight.” She continued. Sehun murmured a goodnight towards her while still being suspicious but couldn’t do anything about it.

Once Jeong reached to her and Tao’s bedroom she opened the door to see someone she didn’t want to see…well not yet anyway. Jeong sighed deeply. A bit too noticeable since Tao heard it. He turned around to see Jeong and went towards her, putting his arms around her waist. “What wrong Jeong? Why are you all of a sudden upset?” Tao asked tilting his head slightly. Jeong sighed once again deeply before turning her head away to look at his gorgeous eyes.

“It’s nothing panda. I’m just sleepy that’s all.” Jeong said fake smiling hoping that he would drop it but Tao knew this was a lie and rose one of his (perfect) eyebrows.

“Jeong please don’t lie to me! Please tell me what’s wrong.” He pleaded giving Jeong his best aegyo face. Jeong sighed in defeat.

“Fine. Why didn’t you tell me you are leaving to China?” She confronted, looking at him dead in the eye. Tao looked at her shocked, his grip on her loosened.

“H-How did you find out?” He asked her, only for the answer to not be revealed. He sighed deeply before ruffling his hair.“Listen I was going to tell you but when I thought it was the right time. Look, it doesn’t matter now. Jeong I am leaving EXO to go to China to see my family and also heal my leg. Can you…come with me?” Tao asked now looking at Jeong dead in the eye. Jeong was shocked at what she was hearing. ‘Do I want to go with him? What about Sehun and Kyungsoo?’ Jeong shook her head slightly and looked at Tao’s gorgeous eyes. She wanted to. She really did. She loved him…a lot. She just won’t lose this opportunity.


They would live happily and Jeong’s story was just the beginning what will happen next? Will they live happily ever after? Or would something happen that would break their relationship along the way?

The End
A/N- And that's the end! Sorry for not updating for a year! I hope this will make it up to you! I will post more stuff later when I am not lazy...

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