Sweet 6TeeN

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The next morning the guys decided to try and make August breakfast. She woke up to the sound of shouting and the faint smell of smoke. When she opened the door, she was hit in the face by a cloud of smoke, and a flame on the stove
"What are you guys doing?!?" She shouted.
"Um... we were making breakfast and it kinda...caught on fire." Calum half smiled. She walked over to the stove and grabbed the pan from Luke, dropping it in the sink and turning on the water, burning herself in the process.
"Oh fuck me!!" She shouted.
"What? What happened?" They all rushed over to her.
"I burned my hand." She said, running cold water over it.
"Let me see." Ashton said, grabbing it.
"No, it's fine." She said.
"Just let us see it." Luke said.
"It's fine. Really." She showed them.
"It's so sorry." Calum said.
"We were just trying to make you breakfast." Luke said.
"Its fine! Really. It doesn't even hurt." She smiled.
"What the hell happened? I heard a scream." Michael said, rushing out of the bathroom, wet and wearing nothing but a towel. August stared for a moment, then covered her eyes.
"She burned her hand." Ashton said, paying no attention to how exposed Michael was. He rushed over and grabbed her hand.
"You okay?" He asked, looking at the burn.
"Im...I'm fine. I'm okay."
"Are you sure?" He asked, looking deep into her baby blue eyes.
"I'm sure, M-Michael." She said, obviously distracted. He smiled, turned and went back into the bathroom without a word, only to return in sweatpants and with a first aid kit.
"Why don't you guys go get ready and we'll go out for breakfast?" Michael smiled.
"Sounds great." They chimed.
"Come here."he said, lifting her up onto the counter, gently putting her down. He opened the kit and took out alcohol, disinfectant, and gauze.
"Let me see your hand." He said, quietly. She gave him her hand, her eyes not leaving him. His chest and shoulders.
"This might hurt a little." He said. She nodded, breathing loudly. He poured a little alcohol on her wound, wiped it away, and sprayed on the disinfectant, wrapping it up.
"There. Good as new." He smiled, inches away from her face. His palms were flat on the counter, one slowly moved on top of hers, his fingers wrapping around hers. He slowly moved closer, about to kiss her, his eyes moving from her lips to her eyes, when she turned her head and he stopped. Her hands were on his bare chest for only a split second.
"We should...we should go get r-ready." She ducked away from him, rushing into the bathroom where her bag was. She locked the door and sat in floor. After thinking for a while, she got ready to go.
The whole time they were eating, her and Michael were both quiet. This went on for two weeks. Things were awkward between the two and they hardly spoke. They had finally settled into their new apartment.
TWO Weeks Later; A's 16th B-Day
"Blow out your candles!!!" Luke shouted. She did.
"No, it's time for presents." Calum smiled.
"First, from me!" Luke said.
"Okay." She smiled, taking the small envelope from Luke.
"Open it!" He smiled. She opened the envelope and five small pieces of paper fell out. Tickets to Panic at the Disco
"Are you serious? This is so sick!" Thank you Luke!" She smiled.
"You're welcome." He smiled. She hugged him.
"Me next!!!" Calum said, pulling out his phone.
"Okay? "She said. He turned his phone to show her a picture of him holding a small brown/orange puppy.
"I'm confused." She laughed.
"Go look in the closet." He smiled.
"Ooookay?" She stood up and opened the closet. Out jumped the same little puppy from the picture.
"Awww! Oh my gosh he's so cute!!! Thank you Calum!!!" She shouted, still holding the puppy in her arms.
"Myyy turnnn!" Ashton squeeled, holding a huge box.
"Okay..." she said, opening the box slowly. She pulled out a beautiful mint green acoustic guitar.
"Oh Ashton. It's so pretty!" She said, staring it down.
"Do you like it?" He asked.
"I love it! It must have costed a fortune!!" She jumped up and hugged him.
"I'm glad you like it. Michael? Your turn."
"Oh," he smiled walking over to her. He handed her a small package and smiled again.
She smiled and opened the package.
"Michael, what is this?" She asked, sounding shocked.
"I um...I got in touch with your brothers...I know you really wanted to meet them...so you and two people are flying to Boston in two weeks to meet them." He smiled.
"Are you serious? Thank you...so much Michael. Thank you. Thank you." She ran to him and hugged him, jumping into his arms.
"You're welcome. It's no big deal. I want you to meet them." He smiled.
"Thank you. All of you. Thank you!" She smiled, kissing each of them on the cheek.
"Can i...can I talk to you for a minute?" Michael asked.
"Um...sure." she said, standing. He lead her into his room and closed the door. It was dark. She could only make out his hands on her waist and his mouth moving.
"When I tried to kiss you at the hotel. Why did you run away?" He asked.
"I dont...I don't really know, Michael." She stuttered.
"If I tried to kiss you again, would you run away?"
"Michael...you're seeing Abigail." She sighed.
"I have to get back in there." She turned to leave.
"So, who are you taking with you to Boston?" Ashton asked, after they had returned.
"Umm...I don't know. Who can I take with me?" She asked, taking a hot mug of coffee from his hands.
"Well, I can get my own ticket. So only one more person-"
"I'll buy myself a ticket!" Calum and Luke shouted at the same time.
"No I will!" Calum said.
"No buts, Luke. Im Buying my own."
"Fine. Whatever." He wined.
"So it's settled. Boston in 2 weeks!" Ashton clapped and smiled.
"How about I take you shoppin!" Luke smiled, putting his arm around August.
"Ugggh. Shopping for what?" She moaned.
"It's freezing in boston. You need warm clothes."
"Oh. Okay. I guess." She said.
They got ready and went shopping at a few different stores.
"Okay, talk to me." He said while they waited for coffee.
"About?" She said.
"Yeah oh. Now spill it!" He laughed.
"He's really...intense, Luke."
"You totally slept with him didn't you?" He said a little to loudly.
"What? No!" She laughed.
"But you do have feelings for him though?"
"Is it really that obvious?" She asked.
"Well, yeah." He laughed, putting his arm around her.
"Oh God! I feel like a complete idiot." She face-palmed.
"Why do you feel like an idiot?"
"Because. I'm in love with someone who I can't have."
"You're in love with him?" He asked, his eyes wide. She nodded.
"That's so sweet." He sighed.
"Excuse me," said a girl about August's age ,"Can I have your boyfriends autograph?" She held out a sharpie and a CD of 5SoS'.
"Um...he's not my boyfriend. But sure you can. Luke." She laughed. He signed the paper and they quickly left the cafe. After they finished shopping, they went back home and she decided to go to bed.

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