December Days Chapter 2

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Once again, keys intertwined with a sturdy lock. A door creaked as Levi took a step inside his apartment. It was a bit big for someone as small as him, but it didn't seem to bother the man. He felt around the wall the door was placed, and flickered on the lights. He casually placed his keys down, and laid on his couch. It was a bit of a luxury, since he's paid a butt load of money. He didn't need a house, so why bother. A buzz came from Levi's coat pocket. He took his phone which had been placed inside his coat for the whole day.

A message from Erwin. The screen was a bit bright, but bearable. The man scanned over what it said, 'Levi, can you work tomorrow? Everyone is off, and your the only one who knows what work really is. Thanks!' Was he serious? Tomorrow was Levi's day off. He had been working on the weekends since the last month. Although he couldn't decline his boss's request. He texted back, 'sure,' with an angered look upon face.

He dragged himself to his bathroom. Sluggishly, he got undressed. The water was warm, when he got in. Like silk, it ran against his body smoothly. Usaully taking a shower would be fast for him, but Levi relaxed and stayed in for while. His skin wrinkled in the process. The man finally got out, and went to bed. It was too much work to put on clothes. He plastered himself on his king sized bed, dozing into a deep sleep.

Morning came, and Levi rose from his bed. The sunlight was blinding. He turned his head over to his night stand, and a digital clock read 7:59. He was late. How could this be? The small man tossed and turn off his bed. Quickly, he got dressed nicely and combed his hair. Brushing his teeth quickly, he fixed his suit. There is no way he'll make it to the bust stop in time. It usually came around 8:25. He made coffee, and checked the time on his phone. Gathering all his belongings he needed, he dashed out the door after locking it. Snow began to cover his shoes with white, along with his pants. Just in time, the bus arrived as he did too. His nose and ears red from the rush and cold air. Levi got on quietly, sitting in the front away from the young boy who had gotten on a few minutes later. He took a sip from his coffee, while pondering about work.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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