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-Mark's POV-

You could tell by the blush on his face he was enjoying my company even if his words disagreed.
The TV was still paused and I was still focused on Sean although he looked away from me.
"Whatever." I said nonchalantly, unpausing Netflix.
I waited to look away to see if he would look this way which he did end up doing.
"Look who's staring now, Mark."
I gave my best "pretending to be shocked and offended" face and laughed.
"So, Sean. Are you ready to tell me?"
He waved his hand dismissively, "Later if you're lucky."
"Don't use that tone of voice with m-" All the lights that had been on flickered before going dark. The only light was from the few windows that were around my living room and the kitchen. It might have been my imagination but it felt as if the temperature had dropped at least 10 degrees.
Rubbing my hands together and putting a blanket over myself I whispered, "It's getting colder already..."
I figured Sean was cold too so I moved closer (not quite touching him though) and shared the soft, beige blanket with him.
"It's okay, you can keep it." He tried to push it towards me but I insisted.
"No no, it's too cold out. I can't have you getting sick."
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, "What am I, your kid? Gonna spoonfeed me and tuck me in at night or something?"
I thought back to when I had put him on the bed last night.
"Never know. You hungry?"
Sean nodded and I went to my cupboards to look for anything that wouldn't require heat to make.
We had limited items uh considering most of my meals consisted of hot pockets and frozen pizza.
I looked in the fridge as well and landed on the two items we could eat.
"Okay," I yelled to him from the kitchen, "Our choices are peanut butter, bread, ice cream, and cheez-itz's. What will it be?"
"I-Ice cream..." He said just loud enough for me to hear.
I brought the half empty tub of vanilla ice cream and a spoon to the living room.
"There's only one spoon clean so...we'll have to make it work."
"What, so we're actually going to spoofeed each other?"
I laughed at his astonishment and picked up a spoonful of ice cream.
He refused at first, shaking his head and telling me how he "would rather starve than be spoonfed."
Obviously this wasn't going to stop me.
"Hurry up Sean, it's melting already."
I smiled triumphantly when he opened his mouth and took a bite.
Strange new feelings started to form inside me whether I wanted them to or not. Instead of feeling parental like the night before, I now felt like he was my boyfriend or something. Even sitting by him made me think of scenarios with us together that felt so real they could have been memories.
I now payed attention to the way he did everything. Even slight hand movements grabbed my full attention. Everything Sean did, and how he reacted now seemed so interesting to me.
How could his cold attitude make me so warm?
"My turn."
I handed the spoon to him and he scooped up some of the ice cream. I opened my mouth slightly and shivered when the cold treat hit my tongue.
Sean's expression looked bored but his eyes still lingered on me long after the ice cream melted in my mouth.
It didn't make me uncomfortable, no not at all, but it did make me feel something.
He gave me another spoonful and I smiled.
"See, its not so bad is it?"
I shivered from under the blanket, remembering that eating ice cream in a freezing house didn't make you any warmer.

-Sean's POV-

"I guess not."
Mark was obviously cold, and I moved closer to him so we were now touching. He didn't even tense and showed no signs of pulling away. Instead he turned to face me and simply, looked. We did nothing but stare into the other's eyes, that seemed empty as the streets outside
I had always been strong enough for whatever life threw at me. But why not now? Why was I not strong enough to catch myself from falling in love with him?
Mark cleared his throat awkwardly before suggesting that we go into the bedroom because there were more blankets.
So we did, and went into the same room I had woken up in. The window revealed that it had snowed even more. I didn't pay much attention to it and climbed under the covers and so did he.
His foot slightly touched mine and I went completely still. It's like when your pet climbs into bed with you and you make sure not to scare or disturb it.
I was unsure of how much time had passed now, maybe an hour. I stared up at the white ceiling and tried to clear my head. And just as I felt like I was finally at ease, I heard a mumble from the other side of the bed.
"I wonder if you know how much I care...."

I've been really, really off track with my updates. I'm really sorry about it. But I have winter break in a few days so hopefully I'll have some time (and motivation) then.
As always, I hope you liked this chapter and I will see you in the next update! Buh-bye!

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