Part 12 - Oh, she did NOT just go there

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Monday has come and I'm pretty much dreading today. I just don't want to have to face Oli, I'm not mad at him or anything but it would be so awkward. Like, what do I say? How do you thank someone for saving your 'innocence', and possibly, your life? And if Sophia even found out we were even breathing near each other, oh God. To be honest, I don't see her problem. It's not like her and Oli are together or anything. She's just a bit... possessive, maybe? I don't know, but she definitely has something for him. I phoned Mandy and told her about what happened on Friday, as she's one of the rare people I actually trust enough to tell anything to. Well, apart from when she tells Jack things I'd rather she didn't tell him.

"You excited for today?" Candice asks from my bedroom door, making me jump, causing me to ruin my eye make-up.

"Candice!" I shout in frustration. "You made me ruin my make-up!"

"Who are you trying to impress anyway?"

"No-one, and why would I be excited for school anyway?" I ask her, wiping the smudged mascara from my eyes with a wipe and starting again.

"You know why." she says, teasingly.

"Actually, I don't know why."

"It's okay, your secret's safe with me."

"What secret?!" I ask whipping my head around to her. She just raises her eyebrows and smirks, and walks back down the hallway to her own room. I honestly haven't a clue what she's talking about.

I pull the strap of my vintage-looking floral satchel over my shoulder and head off downstairs, ready for the day ahead of me. Sort of. Candice and Trey are already downstairs, as well as mom, waiting for us to be ready.

"Ready to go, guys?" mom asks in a tone a little to happy for a Monday morning. We all mumble a little and she grabs her car keys and we head on out.

"Have a good day!" mom shouts while waving, and she speeds off back home. Again, Candice has already gone bouncing off looking for the popular kids which she hangs out with, and Trey is with a girl at the front of school. I think it's safe to say she's not the only girl he's 'close' with. I head off to my form room, trying to get through the crowds of people on the way, hoping I don't receive any other awkward encounters with certain people.

I finally get to my form room and everyone's sat where they usually sit, all in the same groups, the two snobby girls in the corner talking about other girls who I probably wouldn't like in their year, the goofs, laughing at totally unfunny things, the popular guys, talking about which girls they'd 'have fun' with, along with eyeing me up as I awkwardly walk in the room, listening to all of the conversations. And then there's Mandy, sat on her own by the window, waiting for me. She's sat hunched over, with her phone so close to her eyes I'm surprised the light isn't melting her glasses. I sneak over and look over her shoulder without her realising I'm there.

"Whatcha doin'?" I ask, loudly, making her jump and throw her phone in the air, her hands fumble about while she's trying to catch it.

"God, Bri!" she says, pushing her glasses further up her face. I smile and take a seat next to her. "So, how was your weekend? Spoken to Oliver?"

"No..." I say, guiltily. "What am I supposed to say?"

"Thankyou?!" she says, rather assertively, staring at me with big eyes through her thick lenses.

"Well, I already did that."

"Yeah but did you kiss him?" Mandy asks casually, like it was such a normal thing to say.

"What?!" I shout, sounding shocked at the absurdity of what she just said.

"You should have kissed him. Or did he kiss you? Oh my God, he did, didn't he. Oliver Raile kissed y-"

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