Chapter One- Lucy's Story

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Nineteen years before...

I remember it all so well. I mean, it's hard to forget an event so tragic. And event full of death. Our guild was in war with a dark guild, Demon Soul. For some reason, their master had something against our guild and decided to kill us all. Master saved us though. He fought with us, but sacrificed himself to save us. We all felt guilty, letting him die for our lack of strength. We were too weak to save him.

After the battle, Natsu rushed Master back to the guild while Mirajane went to get Porlyusica. We all knew it was hopeless, but she and Wendy were trying to heal him as much as they could, but after a few hours, Wendy came out the infirmary crying. She walked over to the table we were sitting at. Carla flew in her arms and Wendy fell to her knees and cried even harder. 

I felt tears run down my cheek. Natsu, who was beside me wiped them off and hugged me as I cried on his shoulder. I looked up at saw that his eyes were also watering. Many others were crying and hugging, while others just left without another word. Porlyusica walked out the infirmary.

"I'm sorry for your lost." she said and walked out the guild. Natsu was the first to get up. He walked into the room and a few minutes later I followed him in. I entered the room and was shocked at what I saw. Natsu was kneeling on the side of Master's bed, saying softly how he was sorry for putting the old man through this. Master had many bruises, cuts and scars over his body. His cuts were cleaned, but I noticed a small drop of blood on his lip. I looked at his hand and saw that his index finger was bent in an unnatural way. I gasped in surprise which made Natsu jump. He must have not noticed I was there. I sat next to Natsu and looked up at him. Tears are running down his cheek and I hugged gently.

Erza, Juvia and Gray came in and were also shocked to see Master in this state. Soon others crowded the infirmary to see the poor old man and pay their respects. Many tears were shed and many hugs were shared.

"So, who's going to be the master?" Wendy asked quietly, breaking the silence in the room. I looked at Natsu, expecting him to say something, but when he didn't, I looked at Erza. Nothing. Everyone was thinking about it, or just lost in their thoughts. Gray got up and said something that shocked all of us.

"Not like it matters. I'm going to leave the guild." he said quietly. We all looked at him and he put his head down. I felt Natsu's body get hot as he got up.

"Leave?! Why would you leave the guild at a time like this? We all need each other right now! We're nakama, remember?"

"Why would I come back here every day to remember that my ass was saved because Master saved me 'cause I'm too weak?!"

"He saved us because we're nakama and he would do anything to save us! He died to protect us, to keep living here in Fairy Tail! Are you just going to let him down like that?"

Natsu tried to lunge towards Gray, but I held him back. Gray just walked out the door leaving the rest of us shocked. Juvia soon ran after him, stating that if "Gray-sama" was leaving so would she. A few more thought Gray was right and left that day. Laxus, Freed, Evergreen, Bickslow, Cana, Gildarts and Reedus were a few who left. Day by day more would leave with guilt in their hearts. First Master Mavis stopped showing up and one day, even Erza left.The guild felt empty, but there was one day that shocked me the most.

Natsu, Happy and I were visiting Masters grave. The sun was setting and a gentle breeze blew my hair out of my face.

"Lucy?", Natsu asked me.


"It's only you, Happy and me in the guild now, you know?"

"I know."

"Nothing really happens now. Do you think that maybe, you know, we should leave too?"

I froze completly. Hearing those words come from Natsu's mouth was unexprected, but hearing it over and over in my head, I understood how everyone else felt. How Gray felt the day our master died. We're all alone here now. Nobody to protect us. Nobody to care for us. Why should we be alone here together? I looked at Natsu with watering eyes and could barely get myself to say the words that I knew were true.

"Natsu-", I couldn't finish. Tears came rolling down my cheaks and I couldn't stop them. I slid on the ground and cried in my hands. Natsu held out his hand to help me get up, but I didn't take it, so he sat beside me and held both my hands.

"It'll be okay. We'll be together in this. You, me and Happy.", he said wiping a tear from my eye. "We'll do what everyone else has done. Make our own lives outside the guild. It won't be easy, I know, but we'll make it."

And with that, he kissed me.

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