Chapter Twenty Seven

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"You look lonely," I commented, testing the waters as I leaned a little too far over the desk in Allison's hospital ward.

"It's welcome silence," the receptionist commented.

"Oh yeah?" I questioned, looking at her a little longer. "Why's that?"

"When you work in an ER, you see a lot of stuff. You begin to see quiet as a blessing after a while."

"I totally feel that,"  I nodded. "I'm a homicide cop."

"So you know what I mean," she realized, and I knew I at least had her talking to me.

"The worst part is what it does to my relationships, though," I began to muse, knowing that was a flat lie. What relationships? "You know, my last girlfriend couldn't deal with my dedication to my work."

"I'm sure you must be very devoted."

I smiled. "I'm sure you must be a great girlfriend, then."

I saw her face flush slightly as she looked down through her eyelashes. "I don't know."

"Well if were your girlfriend, I'd be honored."

"You would?" 

"Sure. Oh my God, I love your nails."

I actually thought her nails were gaudy and ostentatious, but hey. For Allison.

"Oh," she said, lifting her hand and inspecting them herself. "Thanks."

I took her hand in my own, turning it over, and acting like I was inspecting them. Then, with my left hand, I started snapping at my side, willing Allison to get out fast.

I got a little closer to her, as to eclipse her view of my fugitive partner, and whispered, "Your hands are so soft."

She looked up at me inquisitively, but didn't withdraw my hand. "Are you hitting on me, Officer?"


"Excuse me?"

"Am I hitting on you, Detective."

"Fine, Detective. Are you hitting on me?"

"Do you want me to be?"

"I asked you first."

I smiled. "But I'm the detective. I ask the questions."

She tilted her head and laughed slightly, before turning around to get a pen and a piece of paper. That was when Allison got herself out the door.

She wrote something down on the paper and slipped it into my hand. "That's my answer."


"So are you going to call her?" Allison laughed in the passenger seat as I recounted the entire story.

"Not a chance."

"Kim, that's so mean."

"Since when do you care about what's mean and what's not?"

"Why aren't you calling her?"

"I sensed she couldn't commit."

She rolled her eyes, as that was obviously not the real answer. "Okay, now what's the real reason?"

"I think she was straight," I explained.

"She gave you her phone number."

"I said she was straight, I didn't say she couldn't be turned."

"Okay, so you turned her. What's the problem?"

"Turning a girl is like changing her into a vampire," I cavilled. "It's a life long commitment."

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