Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

(Sophie's POV)

"Hi there sweetie. I'm Lynette and this is Leo and Hunter. We just moved in across the street and we wanted to come introduce ourselves to all of our neighbors!" Lynette said. "Uhh hi. I'm Sophie..." I was cut off by mom yelling from upstairs. "Sophie! Who the heck are you talking to?! Your supposed to be making dinner!" She boomed from upstairs. "Uhhh Mom.. We have company!" I tried to sound calm and nice even though I knew if I talked back to my mom I would pay the price. "What are you talking about? Nobody's over here you stu... Why hello there! I'm Estelle! You must be our new neighbors." My mom had started to scream at me before she had made it all the way down the stairs and saw who was at the front door. She immediately started smiling and acting like the perfect person, i knew she wasn't. "Yes we are! We just moved in yesterday and decided we should come introduce ourselves to our new neighbors! I'm Lynette and this is Leo and Hunter. What a beautiful house you have!" Lynette replied. My mom and Lynette kept talking, along with Leo. I took this opportunity to look over the boy standing in front of me. He was about 5'6 with spiked dirty blonde hair. We had dazzling blue eyes and the cutest smile. He had on black skinny jeans with a red thermal and black converse. He looked to be about my age, maybe a little bit older. I was snapped out of my day dream when I felt a sudden push. My mom pushed me backwards and whispered under her breath just enough for me to here. "Go get changed and cleaned up. Add 3 extra spaces to the table. They are having dinner with us." I nodded. The whole time I had been standing looking over the boy and his family i felt someones eyes on me. I glanced back at the family one last time and caught his eyes looking directly at me. Hunter was the one staring at me the whole time. He smiled at me before I quickly turned around and went upstairs. If we were having more people over I needed to make more food, but first I needed to change. I quickly ripped off my clothes and found my first aid kit I hid under my bed. I got out the cut cleanser and dabbed down the cut on my back. I then got a wrap and wrapped it around the cut and the rest of my torso multiple times. I would've used a band aid but I ran out of big band aids awhile ago and my parents didn't know I had this. I quickly found a tank top and and threw a sweatshirt over top. I grabbed a pair of jeans from my closet. I took my naturally wavy hair down from its pony tail and brushed it out. I made sure my hair came down and covered the already forming bruise on my cheek. I then ran down stairs. I checked the already cooking food and concluded we had enough for everyone. I put the rest of dinner into the oven to stay warm and went to finish setting the table.

(Hunters POV)

We had just moved into one of the nicest neighborhoods in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana. We lived just a couple blocks from here, but my parents decided they wanted a nicer house, so we moved. I only lived here part time anyway, because I also live in Nashville working for Atlantic Records. I'm currently a singer/song writer for them, and I just released my first single, Storm Warning. I decided to come with my parents to help them move and meet the neighbors, since I will still be living here part time. After meeting almost all our neighbors we came the very last house and it was huge! I immediately knew I was going to like these people when I saw their black mustang parked in the driveway. We knocked on the door twice before someone finally answered. It was a girl. She looked to be about my age and she was gorgeous! She had on a t-shirt and sweats, but she still looked so pretty. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She looked nervous though, like someone was about to attack her. I heard someone scream at her from upstairs and her face went pale, like she had seen a ghost. She looked back at us nervously and then talked back to the person with a shaky voice. I think she was trying to act happy, but I could tell something was wrong. I could tell whoever was yelling, was mad at Sophie. They didn't want her talking to anyone. Her mom appeared at the door and changed her facial expressions instantly. She introduced herself and started talking to my mom about the neighborhood. I smiled along, but ignored the conversation and kept my attention to the scared girl. She looked so freighted and worried, it made me feel sick inside. She had a dazed look in her as she looked over me and my family. I wonder what she's thinking about. Her mom gave her a push and whispered something to her. She looked scared but nodded anyway, and then took one last glance my way. That's when I finally caught her eye. I looked deep into her eyes and knew something was wrong. I smiled, but she quickly turned away and went upstairs. We were invited in for dinner and my mom gladly accepted. Their house was big and absolutely spotless. It was so pretty. We went into what looked like a living room and sat and talked. Sophie returned about 20 minutes later. She walked into the room, but only about 2 feet. She stopped and put her hands behind her back, as if she was a butler. I took this chance to see what she had changed into. She had her beautiful blonde hair down around her face, with a pink sweatshirt and jeans on. Wow, even in that she looked stunning. "Mom, dinner is ready and everyone's washed up." She said it in a very monotone voice and looked worried when she said it. It was almost as if she was scared someone was going to yell at her for what she said. "Thank you." Her mom replied. Sophie started walking out of the room, but not before I noticed the gigantic bruise on her cheek as she turned. It then hit me, something was defiantly wrong! I knew she was in trouble some way! "Ummh.. May I be accused to the bathroom please?" I asked. "Of course. Down the hall, to your right." Estelle replied. "Thank you." I smiled back. I am going to find Sophie, and I will find out what's going on!

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