Chapter 2: Dream House

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"Finally!" I said looking up at the little, white beach shack. It wasn't exactly a shack but a small beach house.

I've never felt so relieved to be able to have two months, on the beach, with the two best girls ever. Well, this is probably the only time that's gonna happen… so I'd better make the best of it!

"Come on Danny!" Lexy practically shouted, already hurling her self and stuff towards the front door.

"Damn that girl moves fast…" I laughed thinking to myself. I hadn't realized that I had been standing in front of the shack, staring at it like a complete idiot, but I guess that's what I am.

I picked up my stuff and started heading inside, I seriously need to learn to pack lighter.

"Dude, don't forget your surfboard," Holly reminded me from outside.

I dropped my stuff inside the front door and looked up and had my first proper look at what would be our "home" for the next 2 months. I honestly couldn't had been happier with it. not to big but not to small. We all had separate rooms, a nice little kitchen and living room (with a TV, Score!) but the best part by far was the terrace that stretched out from the front of the house looking out on to the beach. The sun was just starting to set, which made the ocean a beautiful glitter of orange and pink. It was perfect.

I turned around to the living room and literally flopped down on to the couch next to me.

"Not time to relax yet, go get your board, then go up and unpack, and then you can relax." Holly said pulling me up from the couch.

I groaned, getting up. The only annoying thing about these girls are the bloody nagging they do everyday. I mean I love them to bits, but they seriously get on my nerves sometimes.

I trudged outside towards the car.

"Don't forget to lock the car!" Lexy yelled from inside.

Ok seriously? We have only been here for what, 5 minutes and I already feel like I should slap them, across the face, with a chair…

I stood on my tip toes reaching over the top of the little sky blue Bug we had rented, untying the straps around my board, but something moved in the corner of my eye grabbing my attention. It was a boy. Just standing there. Not in a creepy way or anything but just… looking.

He had dark hair and from what I could see I think he was wearing dark jeans and a grey T-shirt, there was something written on it but I couldn't tell from the distance.

I gave him a friendly smile and small wave. I think he didn't realize that I saw him, because he turned straight around and walked away…

"Huh…weird," I said to myself.

I finished untying my board from our car and walked back inside. I took the board out onto the terrace and laid it out across the floor. I looked up to the scenery and the sun had gone. 

"It got dark quite quickly," I said over my shoulder still staring out at the dark sea, but no one replied.

I turned around but no one was there.

"Guys…" I said scrunching up my nose, "Helloooo…" I said trailing the sound out.

I walked over to the staircase next to the kitchen where I had left my suitcase, I picked it up and started to walk up.

"Oh hey Danny, that room over there is yours." Lexy smiled pointing to the right.

I saw a simple white timber door cracked slightly open, I pushed it open and walked inside.

It was a medium sized room, with paintings and posters of surfing, beaches and loads of different 'beachy' themed things. Straight in front of me was a small balcony that looked out to the sea with a small white rocking chair on it. Next to the glass door was a small, olden surfboard. The bed was against the left wall and was absolutely amazing, it was a four posted bed with what looked like a net draping over the top of it with shells, starfish, flowers and some other things sticking to it. It was a literal beach themed room. It was awesome! This was my dream room without me even realizing it.

I set my stuff down on my bed and went down with it, sitting in a kind of awkward position. I looked over to see Holly standing in the doorway.

"We knew you'd like the shell stuff, so we thought that maybe you should have it." she said smirking and sarcastically rolling her eyes.

I got up and quickly ran over to her hugging her over-dramatically.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" I said repeatedly kissing her cheek.

"Yeah, yeah now get off me." Holly said nudging me off. She turned around to walk back over to her room, and strangely, I gave her a nice little slap on the bum.

"Pfft!" she said not even bothering to turn around.

We have a weird friendship...

I walked back into my room and put my suitcase on the floor. I was completely shattered. I looked down at my watch, and it had only just gone eight thirty. Good enough for me. If there is anything I love more than my friends and family it's my sleep. I was still in my leggings and T-shirt, but I really couldn't be bothered to get changed or unpack. What harm would be done? I shuffled up to the ton of the bed and got under the covers. Nothing could be better than this.

Wait a second… crap.

"Holly!" I groaned not bothering to move.

"What?!" Holly said re-emerging into my doorway

"I need to tell you something… It's really important…"

"Ok." she said walking over to me, "whats so important?"

"Could you maybe turn my light off…?" I said raising my voice slightly.

I heard a not so pleased sigh followed by the annoyed voice of Holly calling me a "lazy bastard."

She did turn out the light though.

I do love our friendship.


A/N: Been a while but i am literally stuck in the middle of nowhere in northern England... it literally sucks! But i'm loving the amount of reads and votes i keep getting!!!! It's really awesome!!! Thanks for posting the constructive criticism, it really helps!!!!!

Thanks a load!!!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!

IZY xxxxxx

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