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Grecia's Pov.

I knew something they all didn't. I and Jania had two friends in Berlin, Germany. The fashion capital that at night was filled with lights and beauty. We all knew they were in Germany but I knew where they would be. Jaria's house. Our friends who got married after high school moving to Germany for a change of scenery. Justin would do anything really to make Maria happy. Sitting up I looked out my window it was late. I had told them all our flight would leave a day later and that's what their tickets are set up for. I had said that was the earliest we could get them. They stupidly believed me. I was ready to go; they'd never be able to find us, not while we're together at least. Looking over I look at the sky, I would be there in a little, but I knew they most likely weren't there I just needed the next clue. I checked the time it would be in America. I had about 7 hours before they got suspicious; I had 7 hours to get that clue. I knew the little old man was Justin but I don't think they did.

Jania's Pov.

I laughed leaning back, "Who knows where they think we are. What I'm sure of is Grecia is going to split and find us, no offence but she's like the only smart one there." I say, taking a sip of my Vodka. It was fun in Germany being able to drink. "I know it'll be the three of us for a while." Lupe said leaning forward laughing. "Okay you two need to be careful, she knows where you are and your flight doesn't leave until late." Maria warned. "We'll be fine we know how to vanish." I said jokingly. "You're crazy." Justin said, shaking his head. "And you're a Pilipino." I said mockingly. He just glared at me like always. "Alright well you guys have the clue right." Lupe asks, getting up. "Yup, you guys ready to leave." Maria asked disappointed. "Yeah but don't worry, we'll be back and next time most likely with some friends." I said smiling grabbing my purse. We said our final goodbyes before I stepped outside seeing the blazing sun. 'Gracie bear I'm waiting in your dream place.' That was my last thought before walking into a crowd with Lupe.

3rd Person Pov.

Grecia steps off the flight seeing the sun beginning to set. She takes a deep breath before walking down the road not even noticing the click of Jania's heels as she snuck past with two cups of coffee. "Starbucks for two." Jania said handing Lupe her coffee. "Thanks." Lupe mumbled. Back in America everyone realized Grecia was gone, but they would be fined if they moved their tickets. "That bitch." Eduardo growled. "Hey, we'll find them." Brandon tried to reassure them all. "Wait 'till they all get together we'll never find them they're way too fucking smart to get caught." Davie said. And maybe he was right but they wouldn't know until Grecia got to them. Now on the plane the two girls looked at each other laughing. "Grecia's the only one going to be able to get there in time you know." Lupe said. "And that's why she'll just join us." Jania replied laughing.

Grecia's Pov.

Knocking on Maria's door she opened it. "Look who we have here, ding ding ding a winner." Maria joked. "Give me my clue." I stated. "You have to answer a question first." Maria said I could tell she was stalling. "What?" I said, wanting to join them quickly. "Who do you honestly love?" She smirked. "Augustus." I said hanging my head. "Well your clues different from the rests." Maria said smiling. "Your clue states: Where's the one place you want to be? Augustus is there, he's in on it all. Come find me Gracie bear." Maria recites. I stand there shocked I know where I'm going but the fact Augustus is there is the scary part. "Thank you I have to go," I say. "But I know I'll see you again." Rushing off back to the airport I get the first Flight I can. I realize I'll have to sit for 3 hours so I pull out my book and head to Starbucks. 'I deserve a reward tricking them all and I'm about to reunite with an old lover.' Settling down I knew it would be time to board while I was reading my book.

3rd Person Pov.

Back at home they were packing getting ready to leave. While Augustus, Jania, and Lupe were sat up waiting she'd know where they were. Looking at the sunset, sitting with their legs over the edge of the hotel looking at the sunrise. Jania and Lupe looked at each other saying 5 words. "Catch us if you can." They said laughing. Grecia boarded the plane looking out the window "I'm coming." She whispered out the window. She knew they'd be waiting for her. Knowing she would have joined sides with them or stayed with the others. She'd be an ally to them and she'd get to see Augustus. She fell asleep waiting for the ride to be over. The other group getting off the plane didn't even know where to start. The little old man. What old man. Were there thoughts having no extra clues they wandered aimlessly before finally stopping and just getting a hotel. They realized it was nothing they could do especially since Grecia was nowhere to be seen in Germany. This was pretty shocking seeing as they were sure they'd see her there but little did they know she'd got her clue and was just waiting to get to her group. They'd then keep running, away from them all. The college they had all been planning on going to was off for a year due to maintenance so instead of switching schools they were all prepared to wait and now this trip would keep them busy. This journey would be fun but amazing and hopefully they would stop stressing and have some fun after a while.

(A/N Ahh where to next a mysterious thing we all seem to wonder. But Grecia knows don't you see but you haven't gotten your clue so let's show you that:

A capital is what it is and something amazing is where we are. Are your still mad? Have some fun lighten up you'll find out where we've been soon enough. It's nice and beautiful and will take you on quite a SPIN if I say so myself A right turn. With love Jania and Lupe just don't forget Find us if you can."

Good clue huh well you get it before they do because you get to here where they are next if you can figure it out and guess it for me your get a special place in this chaotic little book.)

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