Chapter 4

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(I love the dirty rhythm you play

I wanna hear you calling my name like

Hey ma-ma-ma-ma

Hey ma-ma-ma-ma 

Banging the drum like dum di di dey 

I know you want it in the worst way

~Hey mama / David Guetta)

Jania's Pov.

I love how everyone has fallen in love and I'm just kinda like 'pizza's the bae'. Honestly though, Grecia's taking Augustus with us and Lupe is running from Eduardo willingly. Maria is married and about to have a baby. Then there is me, I'm just kinda here. The fun one who's still single and will probably grow old and have a cat. I don't really want a cat though; maybe I'll just be alone forever and die running around on a trip. I know that next we're going to a place of wonder against my will but while we're there I do have a surprise for Lupe. Getting up from the table I'm sitting at I know we'll be here for a while so I took the time to scope the area. I look at the time 2:30 pm. I know I have to get back to the hotel soon since Grecia's flight will be here at 3:00 pm. and we have to be sitting on a rooftop since Augustus is picking her up from the airport with her next clue. Tossing away the coffee cup I had I walk outside looking up at the sky. I begin walk back to the hotel looking at the text I had gotten from Lupe.

Nupe: Grecia lands in 10 minutes where are you?

Jania: Not there obviously

Nupe: Thanks for the detailed information hurry up

Jania: Right away captain

Rolling my eyes I put my phone in my pocket. Sighing I look up, pushing my hair out of my face seeing the hotel I pull my phone out and check the time. '2:45 good timing' I think to myself before crashing into something. "Shit," I cursed picking my phone up. "I am so sorry." I say, looking up at the person I crashed into. "Holy shit." I say doing a double take. "Estàs bé?" She asks helping me up. "I don't speak Catalan" I say awkwardly, wishing Lupe were here. She raises an eyebrow before saying "So you came, not knowing Catalan." I swear to god I wanted to crawl into a hole and die slowly. "Kinda?" I say, in a questioning tone. "Makes a lot of since." She says sarcastically. "Thanks." I say mockingly. "I'm Rosalina." She says. "I'm Ja-" I get cut off by Lupe's ringtone. Now wishing I could really go die, as the sound of I'm sexy and I know it goes off. I quickly answer my phone hearing Rosalina snickering. "What." I mutter into the phone. "Grecia will be here in 15 minutes. She just landed." Lupe informs me. "I'll meet you on the roof I'm outside the hotel." I say pushing my hair out my face. "Okay." Lupe says hanging up. "So, care to explain that ringtone." I look up seeing her snickering. "Not really." I said shuffling my feet. "I have to go meet my friend on the roof, but it was nice talking to you." I said, slightly disappointed I had to leave. "Well, could I get your number so we can hang out later." Rosalina says. "Only if I can call you Rose." I say laughing. "Deal." She smiles as I pull out my phone handing it to her. She puts her number in tossing it to me. Just barely catching it I see her start to walk away. I walk into the hotel feeling like I'm on cloud nine. 'Maybe I won't be lonely forever.' I think to myself heading to the roof.

Grecia's Pov.

Getting off the plane I look around wondering where to start. I look towards the exit before seeing Augustus. My eyes widen, he looks even better than when I had last seen him. I see him look over at me grinning and walking over to me. 'Deep breathes Grecia pull it together.' I tell myself. "You look just as good as when I last saw you." He says looking me up and down. "Thanks." I say not able to form a real sentence. "Well come on, the girls are waiting for you." He said grabbing my bags and walking away. I follow him getting into a car. It's silent as he drives to our destination. It's not that long before we get there. I get out, Augustus telling me to go find the girls while he puts my bags away. Rushing up the steps to the roof I see a highly confusing sight. "I swear to god I will bite you Lupe." Jania yells, trying to get something back. Lupe laughs sitting on her. "What ever you say sweetheart." She says mockingly. "Oh my go-" "Should I leave and come back another time?" I cut Jania off. "No we're just talking about this girl Jania met like 20 minutes ago." Lupe shrugs. Jania bangs her head against the concrete. Lupe stands up coming over to me. Jania following suit snatching her phone away from a snickering Lupe hugging me. She steps back looking at Lupe and nodding before they both say. "You found us." Hugging me again. I missed them both, Jania's constant yelling, Lupe's constant talk about Neymar, it was all missed. "All in favor of going out for drinks to celebrate." Jania asks. Man I missed her, just maybe not as much as Augustus. "I'm in." I say pulling away from the hug. "I still have a hangover from Germany." Lupe groans. "Woman up." Jania says. "I'll go if you invite whoever Rose is." Lupe says. "Fine," Jania mumbles."Let's go get ready" Lupe looks at her confused. "Why so early?" She asks. Jania looks at us before laughing. "We've been up here for like 2 hours it's like 5:30, and I don't know about you but it takes me a while to get ready." She says, laughing going down the stairs. "Might as well be ready." Lupe said.  "I guess." I reply.

Jania's Pov.

I change the color of my tongue ring so that it matches the black and silver dress I'm wearing. I smile at myself in the mirror walking out the room pulling on my black heel boots, putting my wallet, room card, and phone in my boots. I walk into the main room of the 4 bedroom suite we were all sharing. "Ready to go yet." Grecia asks. "Yes." I say grabbing my leather jacket walking out of the room.

*Skipping the drive to the club because I'm a lazy bitch and even though Grecia hates clubs she's gonna fucking like them tonight.*

Stepping out the car we all walk in to the club. Lupe instantly walks to the bar to drown her hangover with more alcohol. I shake my head seeing Grecia walk off with Augustus. "Hey." I jump hearing a voice next to me. "Don't do that!" I shout over the music. "No promises." Rose says shrugging. "Let's go get drunk and play 21 questions." She says, not waiting for my response, dragging me over to the bar. Sitting on a stool I cross my legs, "You start." I say, swirling my straw in my drink before taking a sip. "Are you a lesbian?" She asks nonchalantly. I choke on my drink coughing a bit startled. "No-I'm pansexual, actually." I say a little uncomfortable with the question. "Good," She says."Your go." After what seems like forever and millions of drinks, I can honestly say I'm a bit drunk. "Let's go dance." I say excitedly to Rose. "No, I don't dance." She says shaking her head. "Please." I beg jumping up and down. "Fine." She mumbles getting up stumbling a bit. Dragging her off to the dance floor I see why she said she doesn't dance. "Come here." I laugh before trying to show her how to dance. In the blur of the moment though I don't entirely know or care how, but all I know is 4 things.

1) I am not in the hotel

2) I'm entirely shitfaced

3) I'm currently making out with Rose


4) Pretty sure I'm about to get laid.

Eduardo's Pov.

It was about 4 in the morning and we had just got our clue from a guy in an old man costume and his wife. We had tickets booked for day after tomorrow so we could explore after all, they did say this trip was about fun. We just knew we had to be in Madrid soon.

Jania's Pov.

*The next morning*

I hear Lupe's ringtone wake me up. Groaning I pick up the phone, "What?" I ask rubbing my eyes. "Are you okay? Where the hell are you?" I hear Grecia ask. "I don't entirely know, but I am fine. I'll call you back." I say opening my eyes. "Don't you dare hang up on me Jani-" I hang up the phone getting up and looking around. Seeing Rose laying next to me, I stretch before realizing something. I definitely just got laid and I don't know how to get back to the hotel. I feel her stir next to me, I begin to mentally panic before hearing her voice say, "Well I found out your special quality." Where's the nearest hole?

(A/N: No weird note because I'm lazy and this chapter was long as shit. So Rose and Jania fucked interesting. Someone some up with a ship name...ANYWHORE I am updating at 3 in the morning so enjoy while I suffer from lack of sleep. At least it's Friday. I only updated because I had nothing better to do so it's kinda a in the moment thing but also kinda fun and spontaneous. Just to keep you on your toes though answer me this:

If you had to go to one place in the world tell me where it would be.

With love

~XOXO Jania)

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