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When Natalia said we would be leaving the next morning I did not realize that would be two hours from the time Natalia had said we were going to escape. So I sat at my vanity and tried not to fall asleep as Natalia gave instructions to William, Mia and Rosalinda in Russian. They were in Declan's closet removing the large dresser in there because behind it there was a passage way.

"Declan's father put it there," Rosalinda told me. "he had alot of enemies and if he needed to escape easily he'd at least have that passageway."

"So does that mean Declan has alot of enemies?" I asked. Rosalinda froze and then it all clicked. Declan did have enemies and Natalia was one of them. Now that I knew what they were doing there's no way they would let me escape. A phone rang and Natalia answered it. She held up her hand for silence and spoke in Russian to the person on the phone. After a bit of speaking she handed the phone to me.

"Hello?" I asked

"Kifzi. It's me Declan." His voice cracked because he wanted to cry.

"It's so early." I whined.

"I just needed to hear your voice." He sighed. I could feel him smiling and it made my head hurt. Declan loved me he really did. He actually admitted to what he did and apologized maybe I could forgive him.

"Declan I-" Was I really ready to tell him I loved him. I couldn't not now. William opened the passage way and Natalia gestured for me to end the phone call.

"It's OK you can say it when you're ready." The phone cut and I gave it back to Natalia.

She gave me a thumbs up, "Nice acting."

I smiled at her and got up. Mia got into the tunnel then Rosalinda I went in next and Natalia and William went in behind me. Depsite the fact that Declan's father had used this tunnel and Declan has probably never had to do so, the tunnel was quite clean. It was long and when we got to the outside the sun was up. I could see the wall of the house and it looked the same as it did on the inside.

"Come on," Mia said as she led me to a car. We got in and drove away from the house. No one was rushing out from the gates to stop us. We had gotten away without alerting anyone. I felt uneasy, Declan loved me and I was doing this to him. I was hurting him but it didn't feel like how I thought it would feel. It was wrong.

"You're really stupid," Natalia laughed.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Natalia not now." William grunted.

"She's gonna find out anyway," she said in a sing song voice. "I can't belive you just went with us. Declan loves you. Do you know what that means? He's vulnerable you my darling are his weakness. I think you figured that much out though."

"What are you talking about?" I tried to stay calm but my voice cracked.

"Declan has enemies," she said. "so that means they want to take Declan down. You are his weakness if anyone gets their hands on you they have power over him. So we are going to sell you to the highest bidder and take that little mafia king down."

"You little bitch." I said through gritted teeth.

"Thank you." Natalia said. I felt something pierce my arm and the car started to feel like it was spinning. What is with people and drugging me? Before I could even do anything the drug set in and I passed out.

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