Part 1: Recollections

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Seoul South Korea:

Kibum, more popularly known as Key half awake lazily reached out to his alarming phone. It's a Saturday, normal people usually have this as a day off. However fortunately or unfortunately for him, he has to spend his Saturdays' differently. Forcing himself awake, he decided to take a cold shower to wake his senses. Eyelids partially opened he tried to find his way to the bathroom. Good thing among his dorm mates he wakes up the earliest. Locking the door he proceeded to turn on the shower.

As the cold water touched his skin his mind began to work. Where were they going today? He recalled they will attending a briefing about a video concept for a Japanese single they will be releasing. What was the title? It kind of goes like" Watashi ni modotte", in English "Back to Me". Trying to recall the lyrics, he began to hear a loud knocking on the door."Kibum-ah, hurry up." It was manager Minho hyung, well it has always been his job to make sure they follow their schedules on time.

Wrapping up the towel on his waist with still wet hair he exited and was greeted by Onew who had equally droopy eyes behind the door. Inside his room, he began to dry his hair. He already prepared his outfit the night before. He likes to dress up, but having earned the reputation of a fashion idol, dressing up kind of became stressful. However it was a source of pride and he wasn't giving up the title. It was already a part of who he is. After putting on his clothes, accessories are important too. Scanning through his collection a small familiar box was found. Opening it, he saw a small gold star shaped earring. He began to think over when he got the piece. Maybe it was a gift from someone, he can't recall purchasing it. The simplicity was not his style, but it was what his outfit today required. And so he placed his left ear's lower lobe. His get up is complete and a long day is ahead.

Tokyo Japan:

It has been about a year since Arisa settled in Tokyo. Coming from her humble beginnings in ViVi magazine, now she is one of the most demanded model, host and actress in Japan. She had just finished a photo shoot and is on her way the TV studio to film an interview. Escorted to the car by her manager she began to browse the script for today.

Releasing a deep sigh, she remembered that she hadn't eaten a meal since morning. "I better take a quick bite when I arrive in the studio."She thought. To her surprise upon arriving in the studio, stylist and make-up artist already mobbed her. "What's the hurry she asked?"

So much for the wish to have a quick bite. She can only try to keep herself composed with a grumbling stomach.

She didn't know it was her hunger the interview ended fast. The director was satisfied no retakes here done. "Can we have a quick meal first before the meeting?' Arisa asked her manager. "We don't have time now, after the meeting you can eat all you want." Sighing "Is this meeting that urgent?" Smiling his manager replied "Yes, it's a project with a Hallyu group. It will be an opportunity to boost your popularity not only in Asia but the world."

Arisa flinched at the term hallyu group. She had experienced working with a Hallyu artist before. Honestly, it was fun for her. But she can't say if it's the same for the other person. She began to wonder how he is doing now. When they were working together, he forced to try things she never liked. Then she ended up appreciating all those things. It was a learning experience for her. But unfortunately due to her lack of sense and experience, she flatly responded to him. Maybe he felt unappreciated or at least under appreciated. Though she tried to be more affectionate, she just couldn't express herself freely.

There were instances when they could actually interact again. But every time they look into each other's eyes, the awkwardness creeps in. And so she looks away, words are swallowed and chances lost. How could she act so dense? "Ari-chan!,Ari-chan!" Looking at the crowd a female fan handed her a paper bag. "I'm from Korea and arrived just this morning. I bought these for you. Maybe you missed it." Smiling she said "Gamsahamnida" and rode the car. Opening the bag what she saw surprised her. It was food, just what she needed. But it wasn't just any food, seeing it memories began flooding in as quietly she uttered "Sundae.."

Seoul South Korea:

Key and the rest of the boys are now seated in the meeting room. "Kibum-ah, you have been touching your earring for the longest time. Is it itchy?" his group mate and friend Minho asked. "No, I didn't notice I was doing it so." "It appears you have been into deep thought is it about something or someone?" Jonghyun teased. "Nothing in particular, we have been lacking sleep lately. So I'm just fiddling with my ear." "It's weird." Minho commented, "You don't usually do this." 'We all have our weird days I guess." Key answered.

The creative director from Japan finally stepped in the room. "Good morning to all of you. Today we will be discussing the music video theme of" Watashi ni modotte". As you noticed in your recording the song is about hoping and finding your old love to come back. And so we came up with a few concepts." The creative director began to show various sequences. There was one when a young professional goes back to his high school and reminiscences his first love. Then there was this option of girl in vacation to a familiar childhood place and suddenly recalls a guy she has fallen in love with. An abstract concept was also added where a guy and a girl were both lost in amaze and trying to find each. "Our group decided to include you in the concept making because the feelings for the video will be important. We must capture the moment of a requited love."

"Unfortunately none can relate to that." Onew suddenly commented "It's true." Taemin backed up. "But we have to try." Minho stated. "So what do we do? Kibum-ah you're the most sensual of everybody here. What do you think?" Jonghyun asked. Releasing his hold on his ear, "Well we can combine it all I guess, at the start the guy and the girl will be wearing school uniforms. They will be lost in maze like garden. As the go from door to door their outfit will change meaning a part of their life has passed. And then meet at the center of the maze dressed as professionals." Taemin let out a laugh" And at the center they hug or kiss something like that?" "If the girl and the guy is willing why not? It's work." Minho added. "Well it looks like you will be willing to do it." Onew teased. "When asked I will." Minho said in determination.

"I like that idea." the creative director answered. Actually I have a girl in mind for this video. I scanned through your previous works in trying to find the perfect lady. "Is she Naeun or Eunji from A pink?" Johnyun asked smirking. 'No she is probably Shinse Kyung." Taemin countered back. "Maybe it's after school's Jung-ah." Minho mischievously grinned. "No, maybe Sulli from FX?" Onew countered. "Who could she be?" Key silently asked himself.

The creative director grinned. "You are forgetting that this is a japans release. So we will casting a Japanese girl." "We don't really have intimate moments with girls in our past music videos in Japan." Jognhyun answered puzzled. Suddenly the creative director's phone rang. 'Excuse me, I need to take this call." And went out of the room.

Key's eyes suddenly widened. He finally recalled from who he received the earring he was wearing. "Could it be?" he thought. While the other boys were continuously teasing each other, the creative director re-entered the room. With a smile he said "It's settled, our target lady accepted the project. We will also be considering your suggestions for the video. Filming will commence in 3 days" Jonghyun raised his hand "I have to know, who the lady is." The creative director smiled. "I believe Key knows who she is." "I thought nobody knew?" Onew uttered "Have you been keeping things again?" Minho accused. "No of course not." Key answered defensively. "But I think I have an idea who she is." 'Then tell us." Taemin pushed. Key softly gulped and looked at the creative director. " Yagi Arisa?" The name cautiously but smoothly escaped his lips. The art director nodded in agreement. The other boys slammed their hands on the table in excitement and began making loud teasing sounds. "Kibum-ah, you're getting married again!."

Coming of Age: Watashi ni ModotteA KeyAri FanficWhere stories live. Discover now