Chapter 10

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Before Louis knew it, the next ad break was upon them and he was called onto set to get the lighting and sound set up for him. He could feel himself sweating under the studio lights while people fussed around him, attaching a microphone to his shirt and adjusting the light rigging. After a minute or two they were satisfied, and Louis was ushered to the side to watch while the next segment was recorded. Fifteen minutes or so later they cut to another advert break and the host recorded the links to the pre-recorded segment and the following ad break. Louis was then called back on set to the sofa, a make-up artist dashing over and quickly brushing mattifying powder over his face to ensure he didn't look shiny on camera.

Louis' palms were sweating and he tried to surreptitiously wipe them on his trousers, before raking his fingers through his hair, upsetting the volume the stylist had put in there. The host smiled at him and they chatted for a moment as she tried to put him at ease and told him not to worry. The producer asked if they were ready to start and Louis nodded, his mouth suddenly as dry as the Sahara Desert. He reached for the water next to him and took a sip, trying to calm himself. He steeled himself and shakily exhaled as the producer counted down and the cameramen wheeled the cameras in to focus on the set.

The host addressed the camera and announced, "Hello and welcome back. Now, this is the moment you've all been waiting for – we've had his band members on the show throughout the week and now we have Louis Tomlinson from One Direction, giving his first interview for ten years." Turning to face Louis, the cameras panned out to the pair of them as she continued, "Hello Louis, can I begin by saying what a pleasure it is to have you on our show. I know this is your first media interview for ten years, how are you feeling?"

Louis took a deep breath, cleared his throat and replied with a half-smile, "Thank you for having me, I have to be honest with you, I'm absolutely terrified." The host smiled kindly at Louis and began by asking some easy warm up questions which helped Louis to relax. He ignored the autocue with the agreed answers, figuring that he'd been allowed to pretty much say what he wanted so he might as well ad lib, and then he could relax and just pretend he was having a chat with the host. The host was nice and very easy to talk to, so he found himself calming down and answering the questions easily and openly, almost by instinct and he figured all the media training and interview skills from his time in the band had never really left him. Within a few minutes he was explaining his favourite memories, his eyes sparkling as he and the host joining in easy laughter.

They chatted about what Louis had been doing since the split before the host sensitively asked about Louis' mum. Louis fingered his hair as he answered honestly about Jay's stroke and how it had affected the family, while remembering to do his best to keep it light and positive. The host moved on to trickier questions, asking about the reasons for the split. Louis answered softly, "I explained my reason for leaving the band on twitter at the time. I know I didn't break from the band in a fair or reasonable way, I was too angry at the time to think straight. I've had time to reflect over the last ten years, although really most of my healing has come in the last few days, and I expect the rest will come over the next few months." Louis paused and looked straight down the camera lens before saying sincerely, "I'd really like to use this opportunity to apologise to the fans, my band-mates and my family for the way I behaved. It was unforgivable and I know I've hurt a lot of people with my actions. The only excuse I can think to give is that I was young, immature and very hurt and angry."

The host followed up by asking if that meant he had forgiven Harry. Louis paused before replying quietly and honestly, "I don't know", adding after a few seconds, "I'd like to try." The host pressed on asking, "Speaking of splits, are you able to confirm or deny that you have separated from your girlfriend, Emma?" Louis nodded slowly and answered, "We agreed to separate, at least for a time, while the reunion is happening. After that, we'll have to see if we can work things out. She's an amazing woman who has been a very important part of my life for the past year, and I hope that she will continue to be."

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