Chapter 34

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Louis woke before Harry, relaxed and comfortable with the taller man holding him close and snoring lightly in his ear. He lay there for a while, processing his thoughts, smiling to himself as he mentally reviewed the last few days. He and Harry had only confessed their love a few days ago and already he was head over heels for the man. Louis had always been so cautious in love, unwilling to jump into anything quickly, careful to preserve himself for as long as possible. It wasn't like that with Harry, Harry had breached all of his defenses within minutes, or he mused, really it was years. He'd been so unaware of how over the first two years of his friendship with the boy-Harry, he had wormed his way irreparably into Louis' heart. He looked back stunned at how he'd been so blind, when everything had always been Harry.

He thought back to how close he'd been to the curly haired teenager, how he had gone out of his way every day to touch or tease the boy, the lengths he would go to to cheer up Harry if he was sad or overwhelmed, anything to see his chubby cheeks crack into a smile and his dimples pop. He wryly thought that really, it was almost like the last 11 or 12 years hadn't happened. In so many ways he had fallen straight back into his old affections. Except of course, things had changed. They were men now, not teenage boys, although given Louis' sex drive over the last few days he could be forgiven for forgetting. Harry had lost his boyish curves and had become tall and slender, toned muscles, and soft skin covered with sprawling black ink. Harry had been through a lot and bore the scars. He'd become harder somehow over the years, more careful, but more secure within himself. He had a confidence of knowing who he was that he didn't have a decade ago. Louis was scarred too, his hurts mainly due to Harry, but Harry had been healing him, cocooning Louis in a blanket of love and acceptance.

Louis gingerly prodded at his feelings, finding where for so long there had been anger, hurt and hate there was now a sense of peace and acceptance. Harry had done that to him, Harry had brought him back to life. Louis wanted to do something for Harry, wanted to find a way to repay him, to show his lover how much he meant to him. His mind flicked through ideas, discarding some ideas that were too cheesy, too cliché, others discarded because it was too soon. Louis laughed internally as he realised he'd briefly considered proposing to Harry, the thought ludicrous after such a short space of time, but oddly compelling. He finally settled on taking Harry out on a date, to go to a nice restaurant, maybe on Monday after they had come out. Louis briefly outlined the plan in his head, thinking about what he could arrange to make the perfect first date before Harry mumbled sleepily in his ear, "I can hear you thinking, stop it".

Louis turned to face Harry, such a soppy expression of love on his face that he was almost embarrassed by himself and he kissed his boyfriend good morning. Tongues danced together sleepily until Louis took a breath and cocking an eyebrow asked, "So, that was rimming huh?" Harry grinned and teased, "I'm not sure I'll bother again, you didn't seem to enjoy it much!" Louis laughed, pulling Harry in for another kiss before murmuring, "It was quite honestly the best thing I've ever experienced" pausing to add, "I'd quite like to return the favour sometime". Harry smiled lazily at him before murmuring, "No rush, love. I know you've not done any of this stuff before, we've got our whole lives ahead of us. We need to save some stuff for the honeymoon surely". Louis blushed and burst out laughing as he remembered thinking about weddings and proposals only moments ago. Perhaps it didn't have to be all that far away.

Louis whined to Harry, half joking, "It's not fair though, you've done all of this before. You know what you're doing and I feel like a bloody virgin almost". He erupted into giggles as Harry began to croon the Madonna song at him, his voice rich and smooth, Louis joining in a few seconds later. They sang a few lines together until they couldn't remember the words and Louis broke off, frowning as he heard his singing voice. He realised that he hadn't allowed himself to sing since their last gig ten years ago and his voice was woefully out of practice.

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