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"Hollyleaf, wait up." Hollyleaf stopped dead in her tracks and sat down. Fallen Leaves was still trying to catch up and was panting and out of breath.

"We need to slow down" said Fallen Leaves still out of breath. Hollyleaf didn't answer but instead she just kept pacing around.

Fallen Leaves got up and brushed his pelt against hers. "I know you want to see your clan again and to warn them but getting their exhausted and out of breath will help nothing"

The way that Fallen Leaves said that, it was so sincere that Hollyleaf was willing to rest for a few minutes.

   "Is their any water nearbye" said Fallen Leaves. Hollyleaf nodded and pushed through the dense undergrowth to the left of them. She padded forward a few steps and stopped at a big puddle.

   Fallen Leaves followed her and drank from the puddle too. "After you rest for a few minutes can we continue?" Hollyleaf asked impatiently.

   "Of course" said Fallen Leaves sitting up and licking the water from his whiskers.

   Hollyleaf got up and went back through the path in the dense undergrowth and into the open space underneath the trees.

   The started off again but this time at a brisker pace.

   It was almost nightfall by the time they reached the ridge overlooking the camp.

   Fallen Leaves looked over at Hollyleaf. She seemed excited to be back at her camp. Fallen Leaves felt nervous. It had been a long time since he had been near this many cats.

   "Here we go" said Hollyleaf and headed into the camp. Fallen Leaves followed her silently.

   The camp was sitting around talking or sharing tounges or just enjoying a meal together.

   As Hollyleaf and Fallen Leaves entered many of the cats hissed at them and got up. Fallen Leaves felt an overwhelming need to run far from here. "We are looking for Firestar" said Hollyleaf bravely.

   Whispers and mumbles could be heard. "Are they from another clan?""Who are they?""Are they loners?""They don't smell like clan cats."

   Hollyleaf was starting to become nervous and shifted from paw to paw. Finally a cats voice could be heard above them all. "Hollyleaf is that you?"

  She turned around to see Squirrelflight. "Moth- Squirrelflight!" Called out Hollyleaf excitedly. "We thought you we're dead!" Her adoptive mother said.

   A orange tom cat pushed through the crowd "Hollyleaf, is that really you?"
"Lionblaze!" Hollyleaf rushed forward toward Lionblaze and tackled him.

   Fallen Leaves felt a stab of jelousy. "Fallen Leaves this is my brother Lionblaze." When Hollyleaf said that Fallen Leaves felt relieved for some reason.

"Guess hiding our scent didn't help much." Mumbled Fallen Leaves.

Hollyleaf purred at his statement and flicked her tail at his nose. "It doesn't matter" she said.

Before Fallen Leaves could reply another orange tomcat appeared from a different enterance than the one Hollyleaf and Fallen Leaves had come through.

"What is this?" He said.

Hope everyone enjoys I will be hopefully following schedule and put another chapter out Saturday and maybe one more Sunday
Enjoy :)
(And I don't think I am going to stick with the story life of warriors too too much except for really major details)

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