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Enjoy. Yay I updated again

Hollyleaf padded into camp with a bundle of sticks in her jaws. The Clan had been preparing for the past few sunrises for the attack from WindClan. Hollyleaf didn't know how many warriors were in on the plan but no matter how many, it would not end well if ThunderClan wasn't prepared.

For the past few days they had been stocking up on freshkill. The two apprentices, Dovepaw and Ivypaw had been doing extra battle training to prepare for a fight. The rest of the Clan was hard at work making the nursery and entrance to camp safer. Hollyleaf dropped her bundle of sticks on the ground and went over to help weave more of them into the nursery walls.

Most of the Clan seemed hostile towards Hollyleaf and Fallen Leaves. They refused to go on patrol with them and the few who did still kept their distance. Hollyleaf had taken to going out alone or with Fallen Leaves because of the dislike she could sense from the other cats. Hollyleaf was glad that they didn't know who had killed Ashfur at least. She heard pawsteps aproaching but continued to work knowing who it was.

Fallen Leaves scent drifted to her nose as she continued. When Hollyleaf had finished weaving the wall she turned around to look at him. "I'm going out hunting. Want to come?" Hollyleaf nodded. She left the sticks and rose to her paws. She gave her dusty fur a few licks to clean it and then followed Fallen Leaves out of the camp. The two were not the best hunters but did what they could. They were used to hunting in the underground stream or catching the occasional mouse.

"I found a stream we can fish in away from the WindClan border." He flicked his tail and bounded away through the trees. He looked like a starry warrior as he raced away. Hollyleaf always got the feeling of a ghost or echo around Fallen Leaves, not a real cat. She shook off her head clearing away the thoughts and raced after the ginger and white tom. She skidded to a halt right before she crashed into Fallen Leaves. He had paused by the edge of a small stream.

"You think there are fish in there?" Hollyleaf looked at him puzzled. "Its hardley deep enough to get your paws wet." Fallen Leaves said nothing but crouched down on the edge of the water and moved out of the fishes view. Hollyleaf watched to see if he saw anything. Just a few moments later one of his paws shot out and flung a fish onto the bank. Hollyleaf killed it swiftly and waited again. Fallen Leaves caught two more fish before he sat up and shook off his paw.

"See there were fish in the stream" Hollyleaf didn't want to admit he was right so she picked up the fish and buried them to collect later. They managed to catch two mice and a sparrow that had never seen them coming. While Fallen Leaves dug up the fish, Hollyleaf collected the other prey. The two set out back for the camp. The sun was sinking and silverpelt was just beginning to show. Hollyleaf felt her pelt brush against Fallen Leaves but he didn't move away just kept on moving forward.

They arrived back at the camp and Hollyleaf saw everyone gathering by the high ledge. They dropped off their prey on the pile and went to sit by the edge of the clearing. Dustpelt and his mate Ferncloud moved away from them leaving the area empty again. Almost as soon as they had left Jayfeather and Lionblaze padded over to settle down besides Hollyleaf. Squirrelflight joined them just a few moments later. Hollyleaf noticed that Brambleclaw stayed on the far side of camp away from Squirrelflight and the others.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own pretty gather here beneath the high ledge for Clan meeting" Hollyleaf looked away from Brambleclaw and up at Firestar. His orange pelt glowed like fire as he stood on the ledge. The few Clan members that had not already been by the ledge filed into the group and soon every cat was there. "As you all know by now, WindClan is going to try to attack us. We have been making our border markers strong and keeping the Clan well fed. We are stocking up on prey and reinforcing the camp walls and dens. I am proud of you all for keeping up with everything. I think in fact that it is time for our apprentices to join the ranks of our warriors. Dovepaw and Ivypaw step toward." The two looked about ready to burst with pride and padded foward into the clearing.

"I, Firestar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these two apprentices. The have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn" Firestar looked down at Dovepaw and Ivypaw. "Dovepaw, Ivypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your lives?" Hollyleaf watched as both apprentices said I do. "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior names: Ivypaw from this moment on you will be know as Ivypool. StarClan honors your courage and your loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Firestar jumped down from the ledge and rested his muzzle on Ivypool's bowed head. She licked his shoulder and then went to go stand back in the crowd. "Dovepaw from this moment you will be known as Dovewing. StarClan honors your enterprise and your intelligence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Dovewing did the same thing that Ivypool had and then padded off to join her sister. "You two will wait vigil for tonight" Firestar said before padding over to talk to the new warriors.

Hollyleaf and Fallen Leaves headed back towards Jayfeather's den. They curled up but Hollyleaf had trouble falling asleep. Fallen Leaves pressed his pelt comfortingly against hers. She rested her head on her paws and closed her eyes. She hoped for sleep and eventually found herself drifting into it just to be awoken by the loud sounds of cats screeching.

More chapters out soon. I used Dovewing and Ivypools actual ceremonys just because it was easier

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