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I stepped out of the house and saw the worst possible thing that could have happened.

I was surrounded by several men, all with snarling German Shepherds, AK-47 shotguns or semi-automatic rifles. Thankfully, they hadn't shot me or released their hounds unto me yet.

"Darn it," I said to myself. I'll just have to find a way out somehow.

"Don't move a muscle, boy," said one of the men.

I spoke, "Wha-what did I do?"

"This is the FBI. You're under arrest for first degree murder. Put your hands where I can see them," the man said confidently.

I slowly raised my hands above my head. I noticed that the children were behind me, making sure I couldn't escape from the back. "Drat," thought.

"What?! No! I didn't do anything! There must be a mistake," I said.

"Nope," he said, with a smirk on his face, "We've been investigating this disgrace of a house for months. We found your step-mother hidden behind the rotting shed way back on the property. And since you're the only one who knew about that spot, you were our main suspect. Our suspicions were confirmed when we found out that you were the only one with her at the time of the murder.

"This is ridiculous," I thought, "how could they possible know all that information?"

"How do you even know all that information? No one knows about that shed but me and my step-mom," I asked, speaking my thoughts.

"We have our ways," he said. I noticed that his name was sewed onto his uniform. Harold, it read.

"So, what now?" I asked. I sure hope that I didn't actually get arrested, killed, or worse, expelled from my school. Hopefully, this was just one of those tv shows where they mess with someone then tell them the truth. That outcome wasn't looking too promising. As far as I can tell, I never killed my step-mom. We may have not had the best relationship, but I would never go that far. But still if she was really dead, who would have even known where that shed was? Someone must had followed me or happened discover it one day. Still, it didn't seem right. This whole thing seemed sketchy.

Harold responded, "We're taking you to a holding cell in the state prison. From there, you'll go to another cell where you'll spend your last days before your execution."

"Execution?!?!" I exclaimed, "Do you even have any proof that I did this? This doesn't seem right at all. Do you even have this kind of power? I thought it was illegal to search a person's house without a permit. Can you at least show me my mom where you found her one last time if I must go to this prison?"

"We have permission from President Obama himself to search whatever, wherever and whenever we want. We will show you your mom, but we will have to put hand cuffs on you and surround you on the way to shed so you can't escape and harm anyone else."

"Fine," I grumbled. They put me and hand cuffs and surrounded me, one person on each side of me. The two men to the side of me grabbed my shoulders tightly. We started walking along the trail that leads to the shed.

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