What you do for a Lazy Day :)

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What you do for a lazy day:)

Zayn-You decided since he can't dance that good , you rent all Just Dance games and tell him.He refuses at first,but once you give him the puppy eyes he cant resist, he gives in and laughs throughout the entire Dance marathon,along with you.

Liam-He wants to watch a Toy Story marathon that was happening on Disney Channel but you won't budge. Instead, you give him others ideas like baking,eating,cleaning but he didnt want to. "Twitcam!" He said cheerfully. You gave into that because you want the fans to see you two goofballs. Once he logged in you guys act stupid and answer questions.Lets just say the fans love you even MORE now.

Niall- Cmon! Isnt it obvious?! You guys deliver a while bunch of food, and i mean ALOT, We're talking ; pizza,chinese food, Italian, junk food,fried goodies, candies, popcorn and many more! By the end of the day,you two were sugar high ;)

Louis- You two brought nerf guns outta the closet and stuffed anything into it and shot at random from your balcony...after a while, he shot at you and hell broke loose between you two :D

Harry-He decided to bake a cake,not normally, but you two had to be in your undergarments...strange for you because 1. You never baked and 2. You havent been in your bra and panties around anyone, but since it's just you two, you decided to give it a go.He completely stripped in front of you making you turn and squeal. You figured it was your turn,so did you. When you quickly ran to get the ingredients you couldn't find the frosting and flour. As you were going to ask, you turned to face a white fluffy substance encountered with your face. You look up and see Harry standing there...with a smirk. You decided to get him back and lets just say, tomorrow is gonna be a busy day

(Ok i dont know if there are any grammar mistakes because i wrote this one on my phone...and it has autocorrect -.- ahaha anyways hope you enjoyed ^_^ love you lovelies

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